Interest - Range Finder


Well-Known Hunter
If I where to make a new mold for the RF that I made in this thread
My current mold is trashed and I would need to make a new one. A kit would come with 3 parts, main body (cast in black resin), large clear part that goes inside the body, and a clear copy of the SX-70 lens. All parts would be cast in a pressure pot.

How many people would want one at $43 shipped.
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The stuff to make the mold has been ordered and some tint as well. So, I will offer them in black, white, and silver. My goal is to get the silicon by early next week and start the mold on the weekend.
Well I got the mold done! The new mold was made in the pressure pot as well. What do you think? I am going to be contacting



nice work as usual, brother! hey guys, got one of these kits for my mystery lid, and it was fantastic! i would be getting another, but my BM lid came with one...nice work Bill!

Want to throw it out there that these RFs work GREAT with mrgr8ness LED boards!!

With just a bit of shaping to the clear view finder, the board fits like a charm! :thumbsup:
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