Full Size Helmet Interior

Wow I con't beleive the interest this has stirred up. Thanks guys! The only thing is that this is not a sign up thread. I'll post something in the Cargo Hold in a week or two. Ive decided to build something for the top just to help finish off the look. This will be an optional piece that you can get seperatly if desired. I'll post pics of the build up tonight. I didn't take a lot of step by step but enough to get the idea. I'll label out the parts that I used as well.
Ive decided to build something for the top just to help finish off the look. This will be an optional piece that you can get seperatly if desired.

AWESOME!! I'm really glad to hear there will be a top peice.
Well it's 2:30 AM Pacific and I just finished molding the rest of the pieces including a top piece. The top piece is way different from the Riddell helmet to keep things functional but it looks pretty cool none the less. I've got a friend coming from Vancouver in the moring to help out in the shop and hopefully in the evening I'll have a finished and installed set to show off. I will eventually get around to the parts break down and production pics. Have patience guys I've got alot on the go with the new born baby and all :)
Ok its now 3:06 I really have to get some sleep! I quickly did up the parts list on 1 piece for you guys. I used PAINT so I hope it turns out ok.

Parts list.JPG
Great job

I have modded mine already but your pieces look great. Closer to the Riddell than i managed to make.

I don't have the skills or the facilities to make them like you.
I ended up using modelling clay , a blade razor holder, and odd bits and pieces from the hardware store :)

And foam pad kits that i've been making for a few people.

I'd been hoping someone would get around to making a Riddell based kit. Rubber is even better.
I'll keep my eyes open for your sign up thread :D
Hope you ship to the UK.

All Done!!! I had a lucky break yesterday and recieved my supplies 1 week early. I hope everyone enjoys these it was a lot of fun to build. I had some help today from a new friend here on the TDH(Although he has yet to post anything!) LAZY!
Thanks Cantina Dude! Oh and BKBT swung by today to bark orders at me...I mean to check out my progress. Nice to see you again.
I'm going to have to drop a bit of a bomb on the guys who were getting there hopes up on picking up a set. I can still make these things but My cost and time on these suckers is through the roof. I'm going to have to ask $65.00 plus the shipping(I don't know what that is yet but I'm sure it will be reasonable, the pieces are light and don't take up much room.) I never intended to throw a low price at everyone then Jack it up, but I just can't justify it for less.

Anyways painting was a breeze, Latex was not needed, I used a latex and brown acrylic on the cube area and it accually rubs off a bit. The rest Cantina Dude and myself painted up with regular acrylic and it works just fantastic.

For those interested I'll have a sign up thread in a week.
Enjoy the pics!










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