First helmet build

Light Tech

New Hunter
New Pics of Painted helmet in post #5


So didn't take many photos while it was in the building stages, but things are are still in need of a little work. But hey for a first helmet I'm happy.

Hope you all enjoy the pics.




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Its looking pretty good for the first time!

Just one little thing...I'm not sure what you are using for filler, but you may want to invest in some Bondo Spot & glazing putty. You can get it in a tube at Wal-Mart and auto stores for about 4 bucks and it goes on quick (no mixing) dries fast (15-25 minutes) and sands like a dream (no elbow grease required) You would be amazed how fast you can get smooth surfaces and make seams go away.

Your shape on it is already GREAT!!! Surface just needs to be smoothed out a bit here and there.

I really think if you got some (Bondo putty) and put just a little more work into your helmet you could make a good 1st bucket into an AWESOME 1st bucket!!:thumbsup:
You've got a great looking bucket there. But now you've reached the long drawn out stage of fine tuning, which is where you'll transform a good looking bucket into a great looking bucket, just like Drokkul stated above.

So keep at it, as it's the fine tuning of all the small details in the pre-paint prep, that'll make all the difference.
Well I'm really happy with the way things turned out. It took a while but I like it. Hope everyone here likes it as well. So on with the pics.




Hope you enjoyed and happy building.

not bad for a scrathbuild Chris. do you plan to troop with it or did you just make it for fun? I would have sanded it a bit more to smooth it out like drokkul had mentioned but other than that, nice attempt dude.

I definitely want to troop in it and will for a while. I'm sure it's not 501 st. worthy, but I figured that building my first bucket would give me a better appreciation for the craft vs. just spending the money on one that is already finished and ready to go.

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