Different Boba Fett Helmets


Jr Hunter
Dose anyone have info on the different Boba Fett helmet kits out there? I am looking to get a kit. If I am unable to, is the MR ESB Fett helmet any good?

Hey dude the best kit out there for a fett lid is probly from our very own bobamaker on here ,i dont actually own one but a few on here sure do .
But all i can say is i own the MR ESB fett helmet ,many will agree it has some flaws like the visor ,but this can be rectified easy and you still havd a great fett helmet ,having said that it is sort of heavy to wear too .
Hope that helps :)
if you read through the helmet threads here you'll get familiar with all of the options. "best" is highly subjective. only you can decide what is best for you.
All I can say is that you have many to choose from on here. bobamaker and fettpride are but a few. You also have Sgt. Fangs lids and terminal fettler I think also does helmets (?). And there are many more.

I can't vouch for any other than bobamakers helmet, as this is the one I have. It's an awesome lid! It's a bit of a wait to get one, but it's worth it!

And as stormtrooperguy said... Read through the helmet section of the forum and search around here a bit, you'll find heaps of info and tips that will guide you to find the helmet you need. :)
As has been said already.

I have a FPH and would not swap it for any other. TF lids look pretty awesome, but as of right now I have never had one.
if you are looking to save some money, SgtFang's mystery lid is great! it is a kit, and has to be trimmed, sanded, and put together...the bobamaker pretty much comes ready to paint, as well as the Fettpride helmet, however on the FP you have to trim the visor area...

stay away from ebay lids, mostly recasts, or Rubies...you dont want that, at all!
i think that the MR is my top pic... the metal ears, metal RF stalk and lights in the rf topper are all nice extras over the average kits out there. to me they make it worth the money, even if you are stripping it and giving it a proper rotj paint job ;)
I'm going for the ESB look. As soon as I can post in the cargo hold I'm going to try and sell my old (2001) bobs fett parts and old jango fett parts (2002). I'm going to be listing them for cheap. Try to bring a little amount of funds for a helmet kit.
i think that the MR is my top pic... the metal ears, metal RF stalk and lights in the rf topper are all nice extras over the average kits out there. to me they make it worth the money, even if you are stripping it and giving it a proper rotj paint job ;)

Heh-heh. That's similar to something I said a long time ago when people were ragging on the MR. I said the MR just made good financial sense since you could repaint AND you have the metal ears and lightning effects. I don't know what the average kit would work out to be, but once you start sourcing out all the different parts and pay multiple suppliers shipping, the MR just makes good sense.

But I also like the Sgt. Fang, and will likely keep a "virgin" one due to the lineage.

I wish I had kept a copy of every version helmet that has passed through my hands: '95 DP, DLX DP, Golden Armor (freebie), MR, etc. It would be fun to do a really intensive photo shoot w/ measurements to see how they (and others) line up with each other.
I wounder if it would be cheaper for me to just buy the MR helmet and fix the pinch, then to get a kit and spend the money on paint and getting upgrade parts for the ears and IR electronics.
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