Converting the GMH to an ESB AOSW...


Well-Known Hunter
Was asked recently if I still painted Fett helmets… it is rare, but yes.:thumbsup:

So I decided to take one more project when I was asked to see if I could convert a GMH to an AOSW ESB hero helmet. Most “Fett aficionados” would think that was blasphemy, to take a real casting from a real Pre-production Fett helmet and change it into a completely different version. But the thought was that the GMH IS a real Fett helmet, so “size wise” it is considered spot on.


Those that have the GMH and a MR or a MR FP know that it is significantly smaller than both helmets and narrower. It also has a very significant shape that makes it the PP2 helmet. So I hope to show how it can be converted... and maybe help those better understand the differences between the helmets... probably won’t post step by step painting, but more so the finished product.

**So PLEASE post any thoughts/pics on what needs to be the next step once each step is completed… Thanks

Step #1, THE BASICS: Cutting the Visor, Ear-install, Key Holes… otherwise known as, “Prep”.



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Sweet! A Spidey thread. It's been too long, Alex!

What are your plans for the physical damage on the helmet?

Oh, and just slightly off-topic, how well does that "pistol" style Dremel tool work? I was thinking about picking one up a while back.
Are you gonna 'wonk' the visor?

Hey Paul, long time no post.. and yes I had plans to, can't remember if there are any good pics of that?

Sweet! A Spidey thread. It's been too long, Alex!

What are your plans for the physical damage on the helmet?

Oh, and just slightly off-topic, how well does that "pistol" style Dremel tool work? I was thinking about picking one up a while back.

Thanks Eric, I will prob bondo it up today to fill in all the PP2 style damage... The Visor, as AFFO$ pointed out, is the issue. I'm sure you know but the mandibles (mid visor section) on this cast "taper" in at the top and the bottom, whereas the ESB flare out... so I was thinking of heating up the mandibles and slowly bending them out a tad.

And yes, the pistol Dremel is a gift from heaven!!!
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I know this guy who filled the scratches and nicks in and did the same thing...I think its gonna turn out really good. Without much work besides filling and adding new damage
I know this guy who filled the scratches and nicks in and did the same thing...I think its gonna turn out really good. Without much work besides filling and adding new damage
Well I wanna make it AOSW.. so once I fill in the scratches, still need to add some for ESB. And as AOSW will prob put the crack and the "wavy brow" too.
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I think it would be nice to see this as an ESB next to a MR or MR FP. I'd like to see the size difference and I'm sure others would too. It might help people decide which will be a better fit for them.
Great start Alex. I can't wait to see where you take this ! :cheers

In regard to the GMH and it's "significant" size difference" , I do want
to make sure there is some clarity there so no one is inadvertently

There is indeed a size difference between it and other helmets.
But this should not be misconstrued as a "bad" thing. Statements like
this can be turned around and exploited by others. It does make
some difference of course in choosing a helmet that is right for "you"
when considering wearing and trooping, but I don't want to have this
accidentally snowball into a new written "commandment" up here that
it's size difference exists for any other reason than the fact that the
"REAL" helmet is smaller than people have always thought. It's very
important to me, as well as others, that nothing be detracted from the
fact that the GMH IS an ILM helmet, not a fan sculpt, or dodgy
3D scan. It has been calculated to a concise 3% smaller than it's ILM mother
master helmet. This is considered "negligible", and quite simply, astounding.

Also, let's not forget that EVERY helmet version started life from the same
mold. The only differences between any ILM helmet, are differences that
are side effects from trimming and assembly, filming / handling and neglect.
"Converting" a GMH to an ESB helmet, isn't implying that it is a different
helmet from any other. The ESB Hero was broken and repaired at least twice
that we know of during filming, and was mistreated in the archives for years.
Effectively changing it's over all appearance compared to any other helmet.
"Converting" a GMH (with the exception of filling in Pre-Pro scratches) refers
to mimicking some of that neglect. As has been done my myself, and other
makers throughout the years in our own fan pieces.

No nit picking or anything. And I certainly don't want to derail a great new
progress thread. Just making sure anyone that might be new here, is well
informed :thumbsup:

The following is a statement I made in other threads that highlights the
differences between some of the known helmets. I will continue to copy
and paste it whenever I feel clarification may be neccesary :)

With regard to the GMH, there is a distinct size difference between it, and other known helmets.
Those that I have any knowledge or authority in :

"The Mystery Helmet" (MH) :

In most respects, The GMH is "different" from a Mystery Helmet. Meaning, larger in some areas, smaller in others. The reason is quite clear. The Mystery Helmet is still a bastardized idealistic interpretation by Don Post Studio's, half way between the real Pre-Pro 2 helmet, and the DP Deluxe. What that company did to it is shameful from the perspective of a preservationist. It shouldn't even be debatable.

"Movie Sized Helmet v.1 / v.2" , Fettpride Helmet (FPH) :

The GMH is smaller than an FPH, an original MSH or MSH2 for one very simple good reason. They were fan sculpts based on an idealized vision. A mere interpretation. And partially due to misinformation given us in 2003 about the size of the real helmet given by a so called "authority" on the matter as well as some mis interpreted laser measurements.

"Master Replica Helmets (MR) :

The GMH is smaller than the MR genre because Master Replica's "upsized" the helmet after their digital scan. Some reports said up to 12%. This was in consideration and anticipation of the manufacturing process and
shrinkage". Unfortunately, whatever number they started with, it was too much, as the MR series has been measured out to about 7% larger than an original ILM helmet after manufacturing, production, and recasting.

Fact : Screen accurate Boba Fett Costume components are MUCH smaller than anyone gives credit. Maybe it's because we want to believe different, or because we ALL want to fit in the suit. The truth is, only a fraction of us could actually pull off the suit. Remember how much "beefier" Don Bies looked in the suit compared to the ESB actors in the pic up shots of SE ? Has anyone met Don Bies? He's not a big guy by any stretch. Though, like me, he has broadened over the years lol And let us not forget, that Jeremy Bulloch, although actually standing 5 ft. 10, was only approximately 145 lbs during filming of ESB.


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wavy brow oh gosh here we go
:D ha ha, I knew you would like that comment..

I think it would be nice to see this as an ESB next to a MR or MR FP. I'd like to see the size difference and I'm sure others would too. It might help people decide which will be a better fit for them.

I'll take some shots and post them up, no prob. :thumbsup:

Great start Alex. I can't wait to see where you take this ! :cheers

It does make
some difference of course in choosing a helmet that is right for "you"
when considering wearing and trooping, but I don't want to have this
accidentally snowball into a new written "commandment" up here that
it's size difference exists for any other reason than the fact that the
"REAL" helmet is smaller than people have always thought. It's very
important to me, as well as others, that nothing be detracted from the
fact that the GMH IS an ILM helmet, not a fan sculpt, or dodgy
3D scan.

Also, let's not forget that EVERY helmet version started life from the same
mold. The only differences between any ILM helmet, are differences that
are side effects from trimming and assembly, filming / handling and neglect.
"Converting" a GMH to an ESB helmet, isn't implying that it is a different
helmet from any other. The ESB Hero was broken and repaired at least twice
that we know of during filming, and was mistreated in the archives for years.
Effectively changing it's over all appearance compared to any other helmet.
"Converting" a GMH (with the exception of filling in Pre-Pro scratches) refers
to mimicking some of that neglect. As has been done my myself, and other
makers throughout the years in our own fan pieces.



Very well put FP... 100% agree.:thumbsup:

I was extremely surprised once I made the ness modifications on how much the helmet started to look like what we all know as the "hero ESB"... just kinda did it on its own.

Here are some updated pics:
  1. Applied the bondo to fill in the PP2 scratches.
  2. Heated and bent out the right inner upper mandile and the lower bottom left.. just a tad.
  3. And of course added the "wavy brow" by using a piece of the fiberglass cut-out from the visor, then bondo and sanded.



More Updates Next....


Ears added, and the "ESB AOSW Scratches", almost ready to paint...:thumbsup:

Enjoy and please critique it... I can still make changes...Thanks.










:thumbsup: :thumbsdown: ??









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