Boba Fett Helmet Maker Wanted


New Hunter
Hi Everyone,

Like most everyone here at The Dented Helmet I want very much to build my own Boba Fett costume. I'm brand new to the site and have been reading many of the forums. There certainly is a lot to get myself aquainted with, and so much in depth detail it's astounding. I would like to start with a good base, meaning the helmet. Would anyone have any suggestions of a very good, well-known artist/craftsman who could make one to order for cosplay. I'm looking a spending a good amount of money to get a good quality, durable helmet, and then I will use it to colour match etc with the rest of the costume. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Welcome, Seasailor.
There are several manufacturers who make excellent helmets. There are some helmet kits that are specific to ESB, and others that are specific to ROTJ, as well as some that would fit either style.
Animefan, DVH, RS Props, and Bobamaker are just a few that immediately come to mind. If you search the helmet forum for those names you should come up with several different threads showing what each of their helmets look like.
Good luck and have fun!
In the Cargo Hold, DVH just posted a new helmet sales thread. He also does paint commissions. I didn't see if you mentioned whether or not you're build will be ESB of ROTJ or another variant, but Lou's is the bomb for ESB. Physical damage is already in there, and it's got all the flare you'll ever need. That being said, I had an AnimeFan arrive a week or so ago that I'm currently working on. I can't say enough good things about that kit. I can't wait for my paint to come in! Either way you go, good luck to you.
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