AFFo$ MSH2 Progress Pics


Well-Known Hunter
I know this helmet seems to be taking me forever to finish, but I thought I would snap a couple of 'in progress' shots anyway. I am painting it in a 'modified layered' scheme, which means; in essence, I am painting it topically so that I can get the scratches and scuffs as accurate as possible (thanks to Count Dookie's Stencils), and then masking off said silver and grey scratches with liquid latex and giving the helmet another layer of base colors so that they are actually on top of the damaged layers. If that makes any sense. Anyway, here are a few pics...





Dude!!!!! Looking great keep up the work, I am going through the same process and it seems like it takes forever. Everything looks spot on, can't wait to see the rest.
Well done! How many years (maybe months) have you been without painting a bucket? I remember you doing paintjobs a few years ago which were awesome :thumbsup:
Well done! How many years (maybe months) have you been without painting a bucket? I remember you doing paintjobs a few years ago which were awesome :thumbsup:

It's been about two years since I've done any comission work (Retired because I was getting burnt out). I am also currently working on a highly modified Sgt. Fang done in a RotJ paint scheme, and then I have one more MSH2 that I will probably paint up in a pure ESB screen used version, since the one I am painting now for my fan film is the RotJ Special Edition Fett. And that will probably do it for my painting of Fett helmets.
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