Is the world out to get us?

HMMM well I just got out of the hospital and had my gall bladder taken out but then again it gave me some problems 2 1/2 years ago and I didnt take care of it then. Things have been stressful but it will turn around.

I think alot of people are feeling stressed and depressed with everything going on in the world. Gas prices skyrocketing, war and a presidential run with too many people. It also doesnt help that th economy and housing market is going down hill.

Stand up straight, keep your chin up and stiffen that upper lip and take on the world head on!

Here's some good news:

I'm out of high school, into college, and my girlfriend and I are planning on having a baby soon. In addition, I just got offered a job for when I get back from my summer trip, my quasi-sister (not blood related, but she's close enough) got a full ride to Cambridge (including room, board, expenses), and my cousin, who's been trying for a baby the past three years, just got pregnant with twins. Finally, my church was trying to raise $24 million over the next 3 years to build our new church building (our first one, actually; it needs to be able to hold over 2,000 people per service); we got that much in the first cash offering we took up the week after announcing our goal.
Gotta take into account there sheer volume of people involved here
Look how many more of us there are now
It's just that the good things that happen go un noticed for the most part
Misery loves company
Well I suggest that we make a 'Good News' sticky to keep our chins up an feet walk'n in the right direction, and to congrat fellow members on there good fortune.:)

Well lets see, I was promoted to assistant manager. I will be serving a 2 year full time mission for the LDS church in Raleigh NC, in July. Which has been a huge goal/dream sense I was just little. My uncle lent me a '99 Mercury Cougar till I leave. I have a guaranteed job when I return to get me on my feet for collage. My first finish Jango bucket, and 2 more bucket kits, with vest/flight suit on there way, and soon some arc pistols, which is a lot more that I thought I'd get back when I joined in Oct. Well thats it for me now lol.;)

Glad things went well Chris.

Rokeim, Novall Kandosii to both of ya!:cheers

Ceric Neesh, congrats on your new church.:thumbsup:;)
Sounds like there is still some good stuff happening. Major congratulations all around! And for those of you finding mates, pass on some of that magic to me, please. I am tired of being single!

I have good news to add as well.. I've lost 15 pounds since January, and yes, I had to cut a whole new belt for my current SW costume (Jedi, don't shoot!). Lost it the healthy way, no pills or whatever. Just no microwave food, that forced me to cook and I cook badly, so I ate less.

I'm also approaching the halfway point on the elite Luminara effort, and thanks to all the outstanding people on these boards, I have 90 percent of the Zam materials either on the way or ordered.

TDH rocks!
Deunan Shiruba
Funny you mention that. It has been a while since I logged on to TDH. Mainly because of the events that has taken place the past few months. (Personal stuff)
love my job and am making enough money to support my costuming habit. I've learned how to wire LEDs and fans, completed 1/3 of a Master Chief costume which I am building from scratch, have started a new workout and diet plan which will work wonderfully, and am in a secure and happy relationship.

I got most of my bad luck out of the way in '06.
Yes, Misery loves company, but that is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it helps to know other people are going through *stuff* too and the big thing to remember is we go "through" it. We do eventually make it to the other side.

I am glad to have a place to vent. I am also glad to hear of the joy others have. It helps!
It helps when I am having a good day to hear the "good news" stories. It helps to give hope, should I be on the down side of the day. It also helps to know we are all in the same boat. No matter what part of the globe we live in and what our "status" in life is.

It is great to share our disappointments so we can encourage and help. One of the best ways to pull out of a funk, is to do something for someone else. It can really make your day to make someone else smile. Try it! It is contagious!

I am glad to be a part of this great community!
I'm one of those people here whose had these situations too. I can come here for support, and I will give it to the other members here, too. However, things have been decent, so far. I've recently also came closer to have my Scout done too
Well, to continue the trend of crud on the helmet... Last night our new house was burglarized and they stole all our sinks, faucets, electrical fixtures, cieling speakers, tools and even my $400 ladder. The really bad news is that none of it was insured. We are 14k over budget and sinking fast...Heck, whats another 7k in the hole just to catch back up. I still have my wife and kids. Money will come and go.
Well, to continue the trend of crud on the helmet... Last night our new house was burglarized and they stole all our sinks, faucets, electrical fixtures, cieling speakers, tools and even my $400 ladder. The really bad news is that none of it was insured.

Aw, jeez! That's freaking terrible! How far back does that push your plans to move into your new house?
Dang dude, so sorry to hear that. Being a cop, I'm sure you want to bring justice to the jerks who did that.
Oh wow Boomer, that sucks. :c I hope they do catch whom ever did that to you, that's horrible, it's gotta be tough enough that it's taken so long, not to mention that stuff happens to you on top of it.

As for me, well, I can't say I can complain, I'll have 3 weddings I'll be in this year, another niece on the way and have maintained my 4.0 in college. But I guess I can complain how it looks like after 3 years of a long distance relationship (he in NC, I in CO), we still can't gather the means (well money) to be with each other quite yet, again. Ugh.
Oh wow Boomer, that sucks. :c I hope they do catch whom ever did that to you, that's horrible, it's gotta be tough enough that it's taken so long, not to mention that stuff happens to you on top of it.

As for me, well, I can't say I can complain, I'll have 3 weddings I'll be in this year, another niece on the way and have maintained my 4.0 in college. But I guess I can complain how it looks like after 3 years of a long distance relationship (he in NC, I in CO), we still can't gather the means (well money) to be with each other quite yet, again. Ugh.

All in all, not bad really. Just the long distance thing that can be frustrating, I can only imagine. But hang tight, it will be soon right?
Aw, jeez! That's freaking terrible! How far back does that push your plans to move into your new house?
Dang dude, so sorry to hear that. Being a cop, I'm sure you want to bring justice to the jerks who did that.

Justice will be swift. It just sets us further in debt. You would think the idiot would know who's house he was burglarizing. He wore gloves and he thought he was smart. Well, even putting on gloves you transfer DNA and I am sure that while he was in a 90 degree house stripping things out as fast as he could he wiped his brow with his gloved hand. His DNA is all over the house. Would we normally swab for DNA on a simple second degree burg. Nope. Friends in low places, thats all I have to say. :angry
BTW folks, Life is getting better. My wife has "recovered" from the burglary and is back to being excited about the new Casa de Esau. Keep your chins up folks! This year still rocks because of TDH Family!!!!
Life (in TDH family) is getting better indeed
I passed my exams as I already told in my thread:)

Remember this:
''Alway look on the bright side of life''..

Good 'ol Monty Python:lol:

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Oh wow Boomer, that sucks. :c I hope they do catch whom ever did that to you, that's horrible, it's gotta be tough enough that it's taken so long, not to mention that stuff happens to you on top of it.

As for me, well, I can't say I can complain, I'll have 3 weddings I'll be in this year, another niece on the way and have maintained my 4.0 in college. But I guess I can complain how it looks like after 3 years of a long distance relationship (he in NC, I in CO), we still can't gather the means (well money) to be with each other quite yet, again. Ugh.
Thanks for the words and good luck with the long distance thing. I know those are tough. Congrats on the 4.0 though!!!!:cheers
Hey Boomer, share the good news about how those burglars got caught!

But in other (more depressing) news, the world IS out to get me right now. Totaled my car last Thursday. I'm going to be selling all of my Boba stuff soon, to try to get some extra money.:(
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