Whoo, good week at the Toy Store!


Active Hunter
Whoo I've had a run of good luck at toy runs lately- On Monday or Tuesday I got myself an RA-7 (I like protocol droids), Wednesday my Girlfriend snagged TC-14 for me, Thursday I hit the jackpot and picked up Two McQuarrie Boba Fetts and a Starkiller Hero.. today I was at a Walmart and Got A McQuarrie Chewbacca, and Hasbrotoyshop had R2-B1 and Pax Bonnkik available! Plus with any luck my Entertainment Earth Elite Forces should be in on Monday! Oh and last Saturday my girlfriend picked me up a McQuarrie Snowtrooper! I'm on a hot streak! I think I may need to lay off the trips to the toy store, to save my wallet a bit.

Anyone want to trade for a McQuarrie Boba Fett? I'm looking for a McQuarrie Storm Trooper still, the R2D2 and C-3P0 exclusive or the Star Tours R5-D2 figure if anyone is interested. Oh and I have a Darth Revan if anyone is looking to trade.

take care,


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HMMMM I have a gold coin fett anmd I have the C4 3po and r2.

I need a yoda and obi-wan SDCC 2 pack.........
Nice score. Had a good one at Walmart a little while back- Hero Starkiller, another McFett(so I can open one), Darth Malak, General McQuarrie. I actually had to open the Malak, once I found out the steel jaw is removable so you can see his battle wound. Pretty neat actually in a gross kinda way
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