Two Mandos in AotC?

Katua Fett

Active Hunter
Its what ya think! Check it out.

Warning Explicit Lyrics

Well hopefully i got somebody. Basically this was one of my class projects for Compositing II, and thats me in my jango suit. Im actually still touching up the whole clip still so its WIP. And doing this made me realize so many things i need to do to my suit :lol: So i hope you guys enjoyed it.
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Do you know where I can download that?
^mc chris pirate site, endorsed by mc chris^
^mdt mc chris remixes^
^that version of Fett's Vette by the Snobots^
^also, really kickin' remix of mc chris' "white kids love hip hop", featuring a Joker (Dark Knight) motif, also by the snobots

-Xero, fetthead and mcchris connoseur (SP?)
Hey dude, that was AWESOME, as in my jaw dropped awesome.

If you could give a quick summary of how you did that, I'd love to try to attempt it myself, that was so cool!

- Darke
^mc chris pirate site, endorsed by mc chris^
^mdt mc chris remixes^
^that version of Fett's Vette by the Snobots^
^also, really kickin' remix of mc chris' "white kids love hip hop", featuring a Joker (Dark Knight) motif, also by the snobots

-Xero, fetthead and mcchris connoseur (SP?)

Haha wow look what i started.
A quick summary...

Picked the shot that i wanted to composite.

Drew out storyboards on where i would be exactly and how the camera would be set up.

Figured out a lighting scheme in order to match the film.

Recorded what was needed shooting on greenscreen that my school has.

Took footage into after effects and went to town. First getting the actualy key ( which is just the greenscreen footage with out the green) Then used multiple layers in order to match the footage, color levels, brightness contrast, motion tracking, hue satuartion, the list goes on. Photoshop was also used a little bit.

Thats about it! Im glad you guys are enjoying it.
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Pics! I think the booties complete the costume!:lol:




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