Todays Photo shoot


Well-Known Hunter
Here are some of the pics from todays photo shoot at my house. I am the Jango and Boba is My Only Fettish.

Like how the days starts and ends? If you are on the wrong end, it's not a good day.









very nice!!! you should have took the bounty out on Elizabeth Swann though!! :)

"what the hell is a man doing with a bobby pin?" -Buck Murdock
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Great pics! Is that the day you'll always remember as, you almost caught cap'n jack sparrow? :)
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Don't show anymore! It's really making me want a Jango more than I already do and I can't afford both fetts. Great shots!
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First off welcome aboard Kal... Hope you feel very welcome! :thumbsup:
Secondly, you might want to start another thread for your show and tell as not to high-jack this one? the armour does look pretty cool...
hehe yes! i try to make new pso but emmm i`m newbie jeje
i assurely don`t want to high-jack this post, i`ll try to make a new one. jeje
sorry for the inconvenience
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