Starting my own business


Active Hunter
Yep, you read the title right, I literally have no hope when it comes to getting a job out in the real world. I've moved back to the remote area of rainbow beach and I thought of what I could do for a job that people would find useful on occasion. Well, I figured it'd be a good idea to sell party supplies/costumes due to the fact people in my region have to travel all the way to Gympie to get to the nearest party shop, spending quite a bit on fuel to get those supplies. I've thought this out time and time again and have tried multiple times to get a job, my grades and problems relating to me (which I won't expand on) have been stopping me from getting a job. So, to be able to have a job I'm starting my own business so that I can actually make a little bit of money. I know I won't make anywhere near as much as If I went for a real job, i'm terrible at retaining information and I would only end up getting fired. Once I start this business I'll be my own boss and i'll be able to work at my own highly miserable slow pace :). I'm applying for an ABN number now (I'm fully eligible). Tell me what you guys think :D
Great idea mate - if jobs aren't working out for you for whatever reasons, great to see someone like yourself taking initiative and going solo to do whatever you can. With an ABN, register of business name, and a business bank account, its all there for you to take a hobby into something so much more. I wish you all the very best in your endevours my friend :)
I've done some more searching + speaking with certain people for this and I've discovered I could be receiving a few grand as part of a 'small business grant' package from the government :)
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