Star Wars: Force Unleashed II announced


New Hunter
Anybody else see the new trailer unveiled on the Spike TV Video Game Awards tonight? New Force Unleashed coming our way in 2010!

Here's one vid of it up on Youtube (for now), they're pulling videos down left and right though. If it goes down just search for it on there, another would be up soon.
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Yeah I finally got around to throwing it back in and beating it just last week, so this was pretty cool news to me!

Though I was hoping Battlefront III would be their big secret reveal tonight...
Hopefully its more polished than the first game. The first game had some cool concepts but overall the gameplay was frustrating, inconsistent, repetitive, and highly buggy.
link to vid is down but here's the promo screen cap.

Picture 1.png
I liked the first game and I'm glad there's gonna be another one. However, after the first ones ending I can't figure out where the story is gonna go.
I assumed he took on Vader and was beaten, then punished and sent to some gladiatorial planet in exile. having 2 saber's is gonna kick serious *** though
although, after we see him fight the emporer he is lying on the floor, it is not actually made clear that he is dead, just assumed by all.

on another note, i wee'd a little from excitement when i saw the trailer. also heard they're doing a sequal to arkham asylum. my xbox is sat waiting in anticipation
Gah! I'm at work and can't view the trailer for about another two and a half hours! *wails*

Plus, my stupid 360 took a Dooku and died just before the original Force Unleashed came out, so I still have yet to play the first game. Lame. But hopefully a new 360 this Christmas.
Hopefully its more polished than the first game. The first game had some cool concepts but overall the gameplay was frustrating, inconsistent, repetitive, and highly buggy.
I thouroughly enjoyed the repetitive nature of using the crazy Force powers he had to launch TK's and anything else that came my way into walls and over cliffs :thumbsup:. Plus having a Wii and being able to motion your hands as if you are Force-sensitive is pretty cool too ;).
I liked the original, but it definitely could have been more polished. It didn't live up to the potential that the next gen consoles have. I hope they make this one closer to Metal Gear Solid 4 or Grand Theft Auto 4. I would love to have open world option like the GTA series.
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