So what denters will i be meeting at CV?

Darth Voorhees

Well-Known Hunter
Preferred Vendor
So what other Fett fanatics can i expect to meet at CV? I will be there all week, and after alot of going back n fourth, i decided to bring my TK with me. I was too nervous to bring Fett all that way, so that was out, then I was going to bring my sandy, but the pack and big gun caused an issue with getting my gear there and back, the TK fits all in one tote, so im going that route. Hope to meet some of you guys there...ill be one of the 501st dorks with the name badge LOL just look for Lou Platania "Darth Voorhees" :D

if anyone wants to meet up, PM me and i can give you my Cell number and u can text me when your there. My hearing is kinda shot so talking on a cell phone doesnt work to well for me lol
I'll be there switching out between my Cam Kennedy-stylized Fett as well as my ESB Stormtrooper.
You'll be able to find me by following the trail of all the talk of: "The guy walking around in the goofy, inaccurate Boba suit."

LOL! ill look for ya! Ill likely be in my ANH TK..but i may decide to bring the sandy with no fieldpack
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I'll be there... bringing my Fett (finishing it up hopefully soon)... may also bring a soft costume... not sure yet. Get in Thur, leave Sun.
I "think" I might bring Jango. Art and I will be there a and could really use some major help with the TDH Table from everyone. The sign up is at the top of the forum.
Im working on getting there apparently I won 3rd in G4s Glitch Challenge and got a free ticket on the way? We'll see Im working like mad to get the Fett together for this...will probably be staying near Ponte
I'll be coming with my Fett and ESB stormtrooper, my girlfriend just finished her Boushh so we'll be bounty hunting in Orlando with you fine folks :)
I'll be there! I'm probably just bringing my animated clone grunt although I'd LOVE to find a way to bring Boba as well. I'll have my daughter with me debuting version 2 of her Ahsoka Tano costume.
Ok just booked a room down there anyone staying at extended stay john young parkway? We'll be there the 11th-18th may as well take advantage of cheap disney ticket too right...heres a question as I havent been to one of these...would you try and goto any of the parks while the celebration is going on or wait till its all done with? I was thinking Disney while the celebration is happening and Universal after the events over with?
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Sweet Paul!ill have my many days as i can lol.

Fett 4 real, We are doing disney and universal the days before CV. We'll be getting into orlando monday evening.
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