so how does "trooping" work with the 501st?


Active Hunter
So how does "trooping" work? I'm imagining that people just "show up" at Gamestop for the release of a video game... or do you "know a guy" who works there and he asks you and some friends to drop by?

Or does it work more through "official" channels - a company calls the 501st and then a call goes out? Do you get an email notice if you live in the area, and they ask if you can accept or decline?

Do they "monitor the magic" so that only 1 darth or 1 vader show up to any particular event?

I realize this is a jumble of questions,but you get the gist of what I am asking?
Ive only been in the 501st 3 years,the way Ive been told any time you put on your 501st aproved outfit and the comand staff know about it for a event its official,"like posting the event on the garrison website".Birthdays ,weddings,armor partys dont count as troops.After the event has been posted everyone posts if they wont to show up at that event,then later everyone posts about the outfits,"I have 2 outfits a Stormtrooper and a ROTJ Boba Fett",some pepole have 6 or 7 outfits.
Being the country rep. for sweden this is how we do it in the Nordic Garrison.

Most of the time an event organiser wants a bit more star wars at the event so he googles for star wars and Sweden. Usually our website pops up at the top of the list and they check us out. We then get an email asking "Hey guys! you look awesome! Can you come to my event?"

After sorting some basic details out (time, place, donation to charity) we post the event on our internal forum and people sign themselves up. Then we plan the event and see it through.

Other times we ourselves ask companies if they want us. Cinemas, videostores etc... and some times friends, relatives or even people who see us at an event come up and request our presence at their event.

and so it goes around.. contact initiation, announcement on the forum, sign up, initiate event (or cancel deppending on number of attendees), follow through, wait for the next contact..
In the CCG we actively reach out to the community for events like hospital visits, parades, but we also get approached by LFL since they're in our Garrison's area as well as the Golden Gate Garrison's area and we get asked to do "official" SW's events too which is pretty cool.

ok, so what about multiple boba fetts and vaders, do you attempt to keep it to "1" per event? It would just be odd to me to see more than 1 vader or key charachter
That were posting mesages on the garrison website works,everyone posts what outfits they will be in,the garrison Im in has 10 Boba Fett's.Now if like its a Con,were one of the stars that played Bob Fett in the movies,every Boba Fett that can get there shows up
AT a couple of events where MSG had multiple Fett's (all I own is Fett) we just put them in 2 different places, or one got a break while the other entertained the kids. This would work well for Fetts, Vader and any character that gets superheated during summer months.
ok, so what about multiple boba fetts and vaders, do you attempt to keep it to "1" per event? It would just be odd to me to see more than 1 vader or key charachter

Our Garrison doesn't allow multiples at an event. If you're available then you contact the coordinator ASAP when they put out the feelers of who can make it. If it's a genre specific event such ESB then of course they only want the ESB BF and not the ROTJ. We've never had too many problems because of people's schedules it all seems to work out. Plus, if you miss out on an event because someone else did BF, they should be rotating the troopers so everyone gets to troop. If the coordinator is always picking the same BF everytime then you should talk to the Garrison CO because obviously some favoritism is going on.

find u a local SW group. does not have to be 501st . if u just show up at there troop in costume i don't think u will be welcome. u could go and meet them . that would be a good start .
Funny story abobut random trooping. I slapped on my Fett, went to Walmart to bum around,maybe entertain a little bit. Walked right past the greeter, waved and went on. About an hour later I went to leave, the same greeter stopped me and told me that I'd have to leave because "I can't be in the store dressed like that." It struck me as funny that she only stopped me when it was obvious I was leaving anyway, also compared to some of the things I have seen them let people wear into the store, my costume shouldn't even have raised an eyebrow. IE: Funny Pictures at WalMart
In the So Cal Garrison, official 501st troops are posted on the forums. There is usually a point of contact who is organizing the event and will be on-site at the event as the person in contact with the store owner or charity. Usually there is a list of those who have volunteered to troop that event. You get on the list and show up at the time/place posted. You are free to troop other events, as long as you do not get paid to appear.

As for the multiples of characters, that is usually not a problem. Higher profile events are usually restricted to 1 of each character and in those cases its first come, first served. However, some events will be wide open to multiples. Sometimes they want multiples, like at Legoland so that you can work "shifts" and give the other guy/girl a break from trooping.
In the GGG only 1 Vader, 1 Boba Fett, 1 Anakin Sith Lord,1 Count Dooku, and 1 Jango are allowed at each event. Even if we have different versions of Boba, Jango, or Vader the Command Staff states the public doesn't know the difference between ROTJ/ESB and in order not to confuse them only allows one. The selection process, when it isn't done by LFL for a special event, is whoever sees the announcement first, states they can attend, normally gets to troop the event. In the past the Fett's have coordinated between each other to allow an "equality" on troops but some of the new Fett's who live on the computer all day, are doing most of the events, that is why most of the Fett's have several costumes in order to not be shut out of particpation. The Fett's also keep in touch with the RL and have trooped with them many times, and they are alot looser and not so rigid, and honestly fun to spend time with. Not to rigid and formal
it depends on your garrison, but it generally centrally organized. i know that in our unit we don't generally just "show up" places... we co-ordinate with them ahead of times. sometimes we'll just buy passes / go to a con, but even that is rare. we usually plan with the conventions in advance too.
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