slave1pilot's status


Well-Known Hunter
hey guys.
Just making a thread here to let you guys know that i won't be able to paint anything for a while.

Saturday Aug-22, I spent the weekend with some friends and family.
Just a little camping trip and a chance to rercharge the ol' batteries.
Some friends brought their quads and I learned to ride them on saturday
here's the results;



what you can't see in the pics are 4 broken ribs and a punctured lung.
Fortunatley, the lung wasn't bad enough to require a drainage tube.
if you are wondering what happened, I hit a bulding going about 25 mph.
It didn't budge. ;)

I will get back to work on your stuff as sson as I am able.
Sorry for the unexpected delay.
Thanx for undertsanding,
Ouch!!! Those dang buildings just jump out at you when you least expect em!! I had a head-on collision with a parked pickup truck while riding my motocross bike when I was young, and pretty much ended up with the same results. I'd have to say that the pickup won!!! LOL Hope you have a speedy recovery
No, no Nathan - you're better than that brother. You didn't hit the building. You only think you did. You see, I have it on good authority that someone moved the building in front of you at the last minute. It's not your fault.


Glad you're ok (for the most part). It could have been worse. You have a lot to be thankful for :cheers


Quads can be dangerous. I crashed my quad into someone else and flew over the handlebars. I saw a friend hit a large rock and cause him and the whole quad to do several somersaults. I'm glad to hear it wasn't worse. Heal up fast!
Quads aren ' t dangerous by nature... this surprises me... My quad which just stands in the backyard with a pot of flowers on it never does these kind of things...

sorry for the lame joke :P

You' re lucky to get away with just this, have a speedy and healthy recovery!! :)
A high school buddy of mine had 2 quads that we would take out often. We were going down a fairly steep incline near one of the creeks behind his place when he hit a fairly large rock that he misjudged the size on. He had to have flown a good 8ft, and lucky for him he went right into the creek and not into a tree.

Glad your still kickin Nate. Those buildings can be worthy adversaries! ;)
dang bro. that looks full of ow. i broke two ribs going over the handle bars of a bicycle about 8 years back, so i'm imagining double the pain just for that. does this mean i'm going to have to start painting rotj helmets in your place for a while?
as long as we are telling stories I grabbed the front brake on accident when I meant to grab the clutch on my KX and the front end dipped and caused me to fly off the bike head first into the ground. only thing that broke was my visor
I rolled a Honda Elite scooter back in 87', trying to pull a "U" ey in front of my girlfriends house at 11:00 at night. I throttled the gas rather than breaking and rolled with it twice over, on the street, which was on a hill. I didn't break anything other screwing up my Flock of seagulls hairdo. I was bruised up with a few scratches otherwise. It was my first time riding one, was supposed to go to the liquor store to buy cigs. I have not riden anything motorized on two wheels since. Hang tough Nate and rest up and heal soon
Dang-a-roo! Man, that looks rough. Hope you feel better.

And for everyone who is saying he hit a building, read more closely; he hit a bulding, which are much more dangerous!!

if you are wondering what happened, I hit a bulding going about 25 mph.
It didn't budge. ;)

Crazy buldings. . . :D
Dang-a-roo! Man, that looks rough. Hope you feel better.

And for everyone who is saying he hit a building, read more closely; he hit a bulding, which are much more dangerous!!

Crazy buldings. . . :D

I was wondering about the difference as well. Care to enlighten us on what makes them more dangerous? Are they harder? More inanimate? Easer to see? :confused:lol:
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