New Hunter
Hope I have this in the right area

Ok folks here goes I am in the middle of doing a huge fan film with everyones favorite bounty hunter in it. This is taking place shortly after ROTJ.

I need to know your input on the Slave1...We are building a full scale back ramp of the Slave1 and also the cockpit. I have scoured the interweb for photos etc..of good pics etc...I have almost every book out there. But nothing really shows off the instrument panels or even detail of the back ramp area.

I have grabbed screen caps of Jango and Boba in AOTC to help....I would assume its the same ship/layout. The seats in the cockpit have changed though from 2 to 1....also I believe the design was to have a passenger seat below Fett's on top.

Any input would be great at this point...we build in March.
Actually, I don't think he changed the seats. The Pilots chair sits in front of 2 other chairs, like the one boba was sitting on while jango piloted. And below the piloting chairs, there is another row of seats. The pic is in that one book with the layouts of ships and innards.


The only instrument panel shot I have ever seen is on star wars galaxies in the KSE Firespray ship. I can possibly take a screenshot tonight and post it for ya. That is about the best knowledge there is.

I just found this pic
Well if anyone could get me a couple of screen shots of that would be worth its weight in gold.

We plan on building the back ramp and the doorway..then green screen around the door for the rest of the ship.

Cockpit is going to be built with a tight shot in mind (front on like you see in ATOC with the Fett photo above)
Yeah, but you barely can see any details in the cockpit, which is why he needs other sources.

I can grab some HD shots from AOTC when I get home later today if you wish. I can get some closeups of the panels and what not.
ya screen shots FTW would help....just watched the cut scenes on youtube for the game bounty hunters....looked very interesting...

But the big question is..did Boba arrange or change the cockpit from when we see it in AOTC to what he flies around in during ESB. I.e seats and so on.

We can put panels and buttons here and there to make the cockpit look sharp but for major continuity issues I'd like the seats to look the same/ be in the correct place.

It looks like in the Jango Slave1 you have 3 seats like mentioned..1 in the middle and 2 slightly behind...that look like they slide into the wall for storage.

Which would then make sense why you see only 1 seat really in ESB.

As for back loading ramp.....we were going to green screen the live action scene over a model.. either plastic or cgi. does anyone know of a hi-def model plastic/cgi out there that we can blend the scenes in with.

Have the AMT model kit but detail on the back end sucks..I have been told that the fine molds Slave 1 from asia has more detail....anyone know???
That plastic model is very sweet..but I do not believe they are selling it as a kit ..too bad. :(

As for the cgi part of it..I find they are not very detailed...that is why this film we are doing is using models and miniatures. The one shot we have the Slave1(fine molds kit with servos in the wings) take off straight up and fly over Mos Esliey ..ala Falcon in ANH. All buildings are scaled models with green screen groups of people on the ground.

When we start building the back end of our studio Slave1 I need as many reference photos as I can get.
Lol...eventually is not fast enough..

We just wrapped up our Cantina scene and are striking the set and building a jabba's palace set..once that is done this month mid next month...we build the cockpit and the back ramp of the Slave1.
When watching the AOTC part again with Boba and looks like the ramp is hydraulicly raised up as the same time the door comes down in place.

seem about right?
where are you going to have these sets? i'd love to see a virtual tour of them (and if they're not too far away from where i live, maybe use them for a shoot of my own)
I live near Niagara Falls Canada/USA

I have built already two major sets and are moving onto the third.

First was a generic freighter with cockpit and cargo bay


Second was a cantina in Mos Eisley (just about completed)

Here is a pick of our favorite Bounty Hunter with friend ;)

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