ROTJ Armor and Gaunt Painting Services


Well-Known Hunter
Just wanted to offer up my painting services to anyone who needs some ROTJ Gauntlets and Armor painted. Since Im nearing the completion of my SE / ROTJ Fett I will have some free time. Am I a gifted painter? I dont think so but I can let you be the judge. I recently found I like to paint the armor and gauntlets so Ill stay with those. I wish to keep the price as low as possible to try to give back to the community who has been so kind to me. I will also assemble the gauntlets for you (add $10)

Prices include shipping back to you. Insurance and tracking recommended add $5. Insurance, Tracking and Overseas add $7

*Gauntlets painted $75 Painted and assembled $85

*Full Armor painted $75

*Remember ROTJ

Here are samples of my work. Thanks and PM me if interested.

fph 035.jpg

fph 033.jpg

fph 034.jpg

fph 038.jpg

fph 036.jpg

gaunts 003.jpg

sale 001.jpg

sale 004.jpg
Im frequently amazed by the talent on this only makes me realise just how untalented i am LOL...thank fully there are Cats out there like this to make a lot of us look good..
Unfortunately, if you look at this amazing artist's other thread, he stated that he's retiring. Therefore, not accepting any other commissions. Hope he is the exception and not the norm among current Fett artists.

For the sake of new guys devoid of prop making/painting talent.

Totally understandable that he's retiring. Painting is SO time consuming and tedious, I can see where it would get old really fast. It's hard to find good painters too because they're so few and far between. I tip my hat to all you guys and your talents
I look at this old thread and seriously laugh at my first efforts. TDH and its members have helped me become the painter I am today. Im truly honored that people have considered me to paint their armor. I have taken my last couple of commissions until April. After that I may open up to more.
I will definitely keep you in mind if you come out of retirement. :D

Altough I probably would love to paint myself, would be cool to paint something larger than 30mm scale tabletop figures again. What's deterrent is the placement of all the armour scratches and such... :D
22 does great work, he did a fantastic job on my soft parts and my boots.
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