They just been made. Now, some one will attempt to look for one of these guys, and effectively remove them. They have become part of the problem, though commendable in thier efforts. Here in my town for example, recently, the SB police broke up a confrontation between two rival gangs. When they arrested most of the trouble makers, the remaining, unarrested gang members went after the cops on scene, in broad daylight, in a concerted effort to over power the police. No on in SB has any idea what these criminals were even thinking, and thats a big part of the problem today in most cities. What are these people thinking? They are empowered in their mind set. It's scary. If cops are being challenged, these do gooders in costumes are gonna get in big trouble fast.

Real life vigilantes go unseen, unheard, and do not interfere with the law and law enforcement. They attend City Council meetings and lobby for new laws and protections the democratic way. This ain't Hollywood, it's real life and real life isn't scripted. One these guys will be arrested and charged for endangerment etc. when something they get involved with goes south, especially if loss of life occurs, no matter how well intented they were.

Edit: I do want to say that I do think these guys mean well, and my prayers go to them for there safety. They are bringing a level of awareness to the crime problems we face today

It begins as a civic duty but what happens when the 'bad guys' get together to 'teach' these guys a lesson? If your going to work on the side of Justice then do it from the shadows! Geez talk about putting a bulls eye on your back!
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I thought this clip was hella funny too, i couldn't help but think of Nacho Libre. Look I'm sure their good kids with their heart in the right place, i just don't want to see any of them getting hurt......
Don't you love when kids think their doing something no one else has ever thought of:)
I first wanted to to hella make fun of these poor kid for dressing up like super heroes but thin it hit me, We all want to dress up like Boba Fett:)
Never thought of?

Even if you're not a big comic book fan, try to catch up on the series "Kick AS*". Written by Mark Millar (Writer of 'WANTED') and art by JR Jr.

Its basically a teenager (set in today's timeframe) who buys a scuba suit and some billyclubs and starts fighting bad guys (muggers, vandalizers, mobsters etc) and gets famous on youtube, and starts getting networked with other kid/teens wanting to be like him. It's what real life superheroes would be like. Very well written series. They are actually filming the movie right now.
HAHAHA this made me laugh :lol:

As everyone else has said, the concept of superheroes doesn't work that great in real life, especially in broad day light. A newspaper here in Colorado did an article a month or so ago about one of these guys in Denver. while reading it I couldn't tell if it was serious or not.

I think Shadowhare and his partners could benefit from some time at the gym. They don't look like they'd be that much of a threat against an attacker.
This is a very, VERY bad idea. One of these kids is going to end up getting hurt or end up getting arrested for detaining someone illegally. Not good.
If someone tries this thing, here in Argentina, it'll end with a bullet in his/her head... It's sad but Argentina's crime rate is closer to Gotham City's one...
People helping people = good idea.

Wearing spandex out in the real world = not so much.

It's great they're trying to help, but the first real lunatic they come across and they will be hamburger. Where's the body armor at least?!

As for the supervillian angle: What prerequisites are we talking about here? A lab coat and gloves? A Snidely Whiplash mustache? Minions? :thumbsup:
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