PM notification not working?

oh ok, so its not just me. And here I was thinking that no one loved me anymore.

Oh hold up - Just now at 3:03pm CST got a pm notification via email that was sent exactly 4 hours ago.. maybe they are working just really slowly.
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Actually, yes I'm having the same issue - sporadically receiving e-mail notifications that there are new unread messages.
Most if the time, I'm not at the computer, and so I check my phone for email notifications to let me know what's up in the PM
box. Lately, it's been all messed up.

If anyone has the issue, read the following carefully and give it a try yourself ... it just may likely be the same thing :thumbsup:

What I've noticed is this - if I stay logged into TDH when I'm away from the computer - I get email notifications. If I log out and walk away from the
computer - the email notifications STOP. I do not believe this has anything to do with the software upgrade, as I was starting to get this problem before the board change !!! The plot thickens :lol:

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