"Pic Intensive"


Well-Known Hunter
:confused "Pic Intensive" or "Pic Intense"...??? Why do people still put that on threads? and not just on TDH but other forums aswell.

Isn't that something we used to do back in the days of "Dial-up"? And is it still needed today?

Just wondering.
I don't know, but I do know that I avoid such threads on my work... that computer network is driven by a steam engine I think...
I actually thought it was purely etiquette. Kinda just letting ya know that the page may load slowly due to posted images.
A bit from column A and a bit from column B, you know either your computer is going to slow down to a crawl while it uploads the images or you're going to get a visual feast of eyeball candy! :)
hmmm - I thought it meant the pics therein were "Intense" and not for the weak at heart...

:: Warning - Disclaimer ::

This posting is "Pic Intense", if you were intending
to look at calm and serene pictures,
this is not the Posting for you.
Back when I used dial-up, the "pic intensive" warning was a god send. When you're using dial-up, your entire browser will freeze up if you visit a "pic intensive" thread.But thread like that don't bother me now that I've modernized with high-speed internet.
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