*Official* what does everyone do for a living?

I work pt at BestBuy doing car stereo installation, been doing that for 16 years. Finishing my fine arts degree in computer animation/3d modeling, so i do freelance here and there. I graduate after Christmas.
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I am a clerk at my local convieneint store....i cant stand the customers. little kids always spilling crap, old people taking all the milks out of the cooler to get the latest date even though most of the time all the dates are the same in the cooler, and everyone needs to tell you thier life story i couldnt care less about some drunks personal life or what his day was like. ......i guess i dont really like my job that much. but its only temporary
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I'm currently a Risk Manager for IKEA Home Furnishings. Safety, Security, claims handling, and everything that falls under those catagories.
Take care,
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I'm a Network Security Engineer / Unix Admin for WorldCom (egads Nooooooooooooo)
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I am a Paramedic currently, but will be crossing over to state trooper soon so i can work on the helicopter doing medevac and search and rescue missions along with police surveilance (sp??) and monitoring from above (SWAT sniper maybe someday shooting out tires from a chopper LOL..??)

BobaFettish said it earlier and is right... you may never get rich being a cop or paramedic, but pride is priceless...
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Fettpride, you too? Glad to know I've got some fellow brothers-in-arms here whether they're past, present, or future. :thumbsup:
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My LIFE is a Python skit... hehe ;)

Until my son was born, I sold Bonsai trees and accessories in my "free time" (what's "free time"?). :D
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Just changed jobs myself this past week. I was a Field Service Engineer for a CNC Machine Tool Builder now I am a Tech Service Rep for several Tooling Manufacturers that share a parent company. Prior to that I was working as a machinist and taught manufacturing at a college. -Mark
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HS Senior by day, Amateur Musician by night, also tryin to get a vaccuforming business started...
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I am the assistant director of a university Writing Center and I am a writing instructor, SO I NOTICE EVERY SPELLING ERROR YOU ALL MAKE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Just kidding about the spelling thing. ;) Seriously though, English teachers always get a bad rap for being obsessed with grammatical errors, but I really am not like that. I'm more interested in content than format, though format can sometimes detract from content. ..... Sorry about that--got carried away there! :p

Someday, I would also like to be a professional horse trainer, but that's a long ways in the future.

Hey, anyone seen a killer bunny around here with sharp, pointy teeth?
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