New Member Darklord Tries to Build a Better Boba Action Figure

i've been following this thread since it started but i haven't posted until now because words cannot describe how completely in love i am with this figure mod/bash. i'm completely blown away and how awesome you've managed to make this.

Alright, when last we saw custom Boba Fett, there were a few items that were awaiting attention on my "Still Pending" list. The first item on that list was to make all of Fett's armor its final color.

That task is what I concentrated on this evening. However, as usual, what I estimated to be a quick operation took me all night:

The collar armor, back armor plate (backpack mount), and crotch armor all needed their final paint job to match the torso armor plates (factory-painted at Hasbro).


The collar and back armor pieces needed prep by having the original factory paint carefully sanded off by hand.



Next, I used the Hasbro painted torso armor pieces as color reference to mix the paint for the collar, back, and crotch armor.

Using my Valejo hobby paint set, I was able to mix up a VERY, VERY close duplication of the flat green for Boba's armor.




I loaded up my airbrush and went to work.


Once the newly painted armor pieces were dry, I placed them back onto the figure and checked their final color accuracy under a white light against the Hasbro factory painted torso armor pieces.





I drilled a tiny hole into the back of the collar armor to accommodate Boba's side cape, and cut the fastening lead of the cape into a very fine point. I applied some glue, and then inserted the cape into the hole in the armor.




Another series of photos to check the color accuracy and quality of Boba's new armor paint-job:




I love how this photo demonstrates the preservation of this figure's slender build despite the addition of the soft-goods flak vest and the torso armor pieces.


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I can never get over the time, patience and skill that people on forums like this have. That figure is incredible like so many other bashes i have seen, pity they are not made this well to start with, then a shmooh like me could have something that nice.
*** that is freking amazing the work you are doing is on a new level when i read the tital i thort oh wel here we go and each pic my jaw saged lower and lower until it hit the floor then i past out from shear disbaleif then wok up and thort it all a dream , only to look at the screen and there in all its glory was my dream come tru,
Congrats on an amazing wip
Wow this is fantastic, that is really nice I have the Vintage Original Trilogy Collection Boba Fett: (2004) the Legacy Evolutions / 2010 Vintage Collection Boba Fett and POTJ Boba Fett 300th Figure Special Edition : (2001) And those aren't half as detailed as this.
- the rangefinder stalk is too thick, out of scale
- the brown wookie scalp is wrong, and too thick, out of scale
- fetts jumpsuit does not have a pocket on his right arm, yours does now.
- the double arm sleeves are missing, a key feature on fetts jumpsuit
- the red on the helmet too bright
- shin tool pockets are too big now, out of scale and only hold two oversized shin tools
- the plastic glued onto the back of the helmet is too thick, out of scale, and does not go all the way to the bottom of the helmet, as seen in your pics
- the vent on the helmet is painted incorrectly
This is really fantastic! I've been a collector since '95 and this custom blows away anything made before it. Have you considered repainting all the armor by hand? The red on the helmet seems especially bright. :)
Greetings Tsophika!

Nice to meet you. And thanks so much for the kind words about my custom action figure. Greatly appreciated.:D

The helmet on this action figure is definitely one of the areas that has undergone (and will undergo more) changes since these photos were taken. Some of those changes were performed weeks ago, but I was unable to document them due to a damaged camera.

In my upcoming (and final) photo updates, you can expect to see the helmet's rangefinder stalk shortened by about 2 scale inches, the helmet's cheek stripes painted in the correct dark shade, the 14 yellow stripes at the crown of the helmet added as water transfer decals, and the red ridge at the rear of the helmet re-worked to be much thinner than it appears in these photos.

The shade of the red T visor is actually one area that I am seriously considering leaving as is. I realize that it is not accurate to the much darker, grimier shade of red on the actual helmet, but there is something "toyetic" about the shade as it currently exists that appeals to me... at least for the time being.

But who knows? After I re-paint the helmet cheek stripes, I may end up changing my mind about the T-visor's shade of red. It's kinda hard to say.

Also, for the sake of neatness of paint deco, I do most of my work with an airbrush. However, the final stage weathering of the armored pieces and helmet (exposed metallic silver under flaked paint, etc.) will be done by hand.
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