My Late Christmas Present (Fett related)


Well-Known Hunter
A couple of weeks before Christmas, I caught my brother looking at my CIV Fett reference CD. I blew it off at the time, but after he told me my Christmas present would be a little late, I got a little suspicious. After the holidays I totally forgot about the present. Until today. After I got back from class, my brother hands me a wrapped present, with this inside it.


He ordered me a custom made paintball jersey! He's more into paintball than I am, but I love the jersey. I'm probably going to wear it around instead of just when I'm playing.



They printed two left gauntlets and they forgot to print the skull on the shoulder (they originally printed it on both, and took them both off when he asked to remove the right shoulder) so we might send it back to get the skull printed on there, the two left gauntlets doesn't bug me. My brother had to do quite a bit of research to pull this off so I'm proud of him for that.

It took so long to get made because they had to create templates from the ref pics, and doing that also ran up the price. If anyone wants to order these from the company, I have the templates already made, so let me know and I'll email them.

Best gift ever!
Two left gaunlets and no big deal for my opinion.
I would tear up if I recieved that.Especially releaizing the effort done to create a wonderful present.
For one of kind and orginal shirt I hope you dont get any paint on it.
Wear that to a Con or any where for that matter and I bet you have no stop questions about it and then you can brag about how special your brother is.
Congrats on a truly AWSOME gift.
That's a great balance between being really stylized, but having such attention to the details. The ammo belt is cool, and I love the jet pack as essentially a bunch of vertical stripes.
That is a seriously cool present!

My cousin gave me a personnalized gift as well (Montreal Canadiens jersey with my name and number in the back).. these gifts are the best!!

Contact me if you ever make a run of these!
I think we should start an interest thread, I play speedball and i want a SWEEEET practice jersey like that. :cheers

i like the Marc ecko hoodie BUT this blows it away!
Well, I've gotten enough emails and PM's that I may just start an interest thread. I'll have to look into it and could probably get a team discount if we ordered enough.
Wow. Let me just say, as AWESOME as that jersey is, your brother is more awesome for taking that much time and interest and work to get you something REALLY unique for your Christmas! My bucket's off to him!!

And let me know if you're going to do a run of them. Muhahahaha.

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