
Active Hunter
Well, at last the time has come to say that i'm 98% complete. just waiting for my MOW Jet Pack and I'm finished. I have attached some photos of my costume, please tell me what you think guys as I'm hoping to go to WonderCon.
I know I need to dirty it up but I had to make improvements to the suit first as the sleeves are too short, shin tool pockets are too small and seems are coming apart. I have the Wookie scalps on the wrong shoulder and I didn't attach my side pouches,Cape and gauntlet hose but you get the idea. I rushed to get some photos together for my cousin in the UK so I know where everything goes :lol: (I hope). a quick thanks to a few peeps........

SuperJedi (Eric) for selling me your personal bucket-
RuffkinToy for the awesome Gauntlets-
Sidewinder (Simon) for the blaster-
Lionswitch (Jeff) for the wicked metal armor and paint job-
Julie for the Wookie braids-
99centtaco for the ammo belt and rifle sling-
ManofWar (Christian) for the Jet pack-
MLC ( Mardon) for the Holster-
and all of you for your help and continuing support...YOU ROCK!!!!!!
I would of liked to thank Debbi but she is a difficult person to deal with.

TOTAL COST: $3817.00



View attachment 22065
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Great ESB Fett costume! Just wondering though....I'm no Fett expert, but aren't the wookie braids supposed to be over the right shoulder? Just wondering ;)
I know I know, I did state that above. I didn't realize the scalps were on the wrong side till i saw the pics. silly mistake on my part.
Wow! Lookin' good man! Everything looks excellent. :cheers
I dunno if it's just me, but in that first pic, you kind of look like Julian Glover! Maybe you should do a General Veers costume. :lol:
Ha Ha, thanks Eric. I will add that to my next costume list :lol:. thanks again for the awesome helmet my friend, it really makes this costume stand out.

B1 :cheers

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Very nice costume :) The only thing that stands out to me is that you may need to dirty up the soft parts a bit! Good job on the rest of the costume though!!

I have a three questions of observation but first what a GREAT looking outfit.You did a fantastic job on putting it together.The only thing of maybe is more weathering on the otufit but I am sure that will come with the more you wear it and "Troop" in it.You suit looks to clean.Again a awesome outfit.Now my two questions...
1.Did he have a sidearm in ESB?I have never noticed.
2.Are there not suppose to be hoses coming from the right gaunlet(flamethrower) to go under the right sleve of the jump suit?
3.The dark brown/black braid looks to be to long.I thought the braids came down just above the waist or grith belt?

Please dont think/feel my questions are that of a negative opinions but again simply qusetions of observation.

Thanks for posted how much you have in your suit.Hopefully some will notice how much it takes to put together a suit of your level.
Enjoy WonderCon and Trooping
I like your wand. :lol:p;) Excellent costume, love the helmet paintjob, it looks wonderful! :cheers

Lopero, yes Fett had a sidearm in ESB, to me its one of the better aspects to that version. :lol: Yeah, also about the belt, your missing pouches man! How are you supposed to store the ladies' numbers without pouches? :lol: :p ;)

P.S. - I actualy did read the topic, I'm just messing with you. ;)
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I have a three questions of observation but first what a GREAT looking outfit.You did a fantastic job on putting it together.The only thing of maybe is more weathering on the otufit but I am sure that will come with the more you wear it and "Troop" in it.You suit looks to clean.Again a awesome outfit.Now my two questions...
1.Did he have a sidearm in ESB?I have never noticed.
2.Are there not suppose to be hoses coming from the right gaunlet(flamethrower) to go under the right sleve of the jump suit?
3.The dark brown/black braid looks to be to long.I thought the braids came down just above the waist or grith belt?

Please dont think/feel my questions are that of a negative opinions but again simply qusetions of observation.

Thanks for posted how much you have in your suit.Hopefully some will notice how much it takes to put together a suit of your level.
Enjoy WonderCon and Trooping

I rushed putting this together and the braids are not in there final resting place bro and yes ESB Fett ONLY had a sidearm. thanks for the kind words my friend.
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I "sit" corrected and apologize.I guess I am one of many that are use to the ROTJ look that is heavly marketed.And forgive me for bringing up the braids I did read that your coments about them not on the right side.
I think it is time for me FINALLY to purchase the reference CD :lol:
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