Mrgr8ness costume so far


Well-Known Hunter
I put on the jumpsuit last night to fit the cod piece/kidney armor assembly and knees, to mark out where I need to sew some velcro in to help hold these armor components. Since I was already putting stuff on, I decided to go ahead and suit up with what I have so far. A lot of people are asking how I am doing. I think a lot of folks are wondering if I even have a costume :lol: Here it is so far-




Overall I am pretty happy with the first fit. It has taken me 2 years to get to this point. Mostly, because I have a lot of scratchbuilt stuff there, plus I have been very casual with my time spent on it. Also doesn't help that I have re-done a lot of the items at least once already. I am open to critism. Please remember that I threw it on quick without help, so the position of some components are a little off. Plus my camera flash at nighttime has twisted the colors a little. Really not too bad though, mostly in the bells and knees. They came out a little more orange that actual. Here is a better pic of one of the bells in more natural light-


So here is what is left-
1) jet pack(still is the base colors but no detail stage)
2) right gauntlet hose(have the hose, just need to weather it and attach to jumpsuit)
3) shin tools(going to scratchbuild, have the plans but haven't started)

Then it will be time to start upgrading. Already wanting new knees and armor. Starting a new pair of scratchbuilt gloves already. Want to put more detail in the ammo belt. Will be doing new ankle spats that will be more accurate. Will probably do a new helmet eventually. I have a mystery helmet I am working on, but it will likely not become my replacement bucket.
Can you list what is scratchbuilt and what was purchased? Can you also say where you purchased some pieces as well? I'm in the process of buying some parts and making others so I'm interested in that. Your whole setup so far looks great! Thanks.
I gotta say it's amazing.

Quick question though, is your costume based off of the Magic of Myth exhibit? Thats what I'm guessing, as the colors of the gauntlets and cape are obviously ROTJ but the bucket is painted ESB. Is that right?
And also, can you get 501st approved with that?

I gotta say it's amazing.

Quick question though, is your costume based off of the Magic of Myth exhibit? Thats what I'm guessing, as the colors of the gauntlets and cape are obviously ROTJ but the bucket is painted ESB. Is that right?
And also, can you get 501st approved with that?


It is mostly based of the AOSW exhibit, but some pieces are painted toward the MoM exhibit. Knees, shoulder bells, gauntlets are painted more toward MoM, when I started it was going to be a ROTJ version. Most of the rest of the armor is geared toward AOSW. It is basically a SE edition Fett. Yes, it is 501st eligible.
It is mostly based of the AOSW exhibit, but some pieces are painted toward the MoM exhibit. Knees, shoulder bells, gauntlets are painted more toward MoM. Most of the rest of the armor is geared toward AOSW. It is basically a SE edition Fett. Yes, it is 501st eligible.

Ah I see now. Thanks, you're the man!
I gotta say it's amazing.

Quick question though, is your costume based off of the Magic of Myth exhibit? Thats what I'm guessing, as the colors of the gauntlets and cape are obviously ROTJ but the bucket is painted ESB. Is that right?
And also, can you get 501st approved with that?

this costume is considered the "special edition" fett. esb helmet on rotj armor, et al. since this version has been seen in all three special edition versions of the films it is 501st acceptable, and is the most popular version of the costume. people really seem to love the esb helmet, and the rotj armor has by far the most reference material available out there. but i'm all about full on rotj, no mix'n'match fett, lol. don't believe what they say about rotj fetts kicking puppies, that's just an urban legend :lol:.
I gotta say it's amazing.

Quick question though, is your costume based off of the Magic of Myth exhibit? Thats what I'm guessing, as the colors of the gauntlets and cape are obviously ROTJ but the bucket is painted ESB. Is that right?
And also, can you get 501st approved with that?


501st is that picky now?
Looks like what the veterans here call Special Edition to me, same look I'm working on.

Looks AWESOME and very accurate

I'm tk25, but wasn't going pick a screen accurate FETT look consider the cost of the outfit I wanted it my way :)
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Here is a parts list-

flightsuit- skygunbro
vest- skygunbro
helmet- MSH1 painted by me
gauntlets- Ruffkintoys painted by me
chest armor/ab plate- mrgr8ness painted by me
collar- mrgr8ness painted by me
shoulder bells- mrgr8ness painted by me
backplate- FP ver2 painted by me
codpiece and kidney- mrgr8ness painted by me
girthbelt- real mohair dyed by me
ammo belt- mrgr8ness
gloves- mrgr8ness
braids- mrgr8ness
knees- Ruffkintoys painted by me
spats- skygunbro
boots- CA boots weathered by Spideyfett
toe spikes- mrgr8ness
side pouches- mrgr8ness
cape- army half shelter
blaster- TD4242 painted by me
neckseal- TK409
this costume is considered the "special edition" fett. esb helmet on rotj armor, et al. since this version has been seen in all three special edition versions of the films it is 501st acceptable, and is the most popular version of the costume. people really seem to love the esb helmet, and the rotj armor has by far the most reference material available out there. but i'm all about full on rotj, no mix'n'match fett, lol. don't believe what they say about rotj fetts kicking puppies, that's just an urban legend :lol:.

Thanks a ton for clearing that up for me as well. That last sentence made me hit the floor laughing, quotable material right there.
All you guys are awesome. Thanks to you all!
Just noticed: The shoulder bells look a tad too low. Move them up a bit maybe? I'm no expert really, so I don't know for sure how they ought to be.

Perhaps it's just a result of putting everything on by yourself without any help.
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