Megacon Report '05

That's right, tastes just like honey....
oh baby, 'member that rock I promised you ?!!?

Peanut M&M's...make that TWO bags...just keeps going and going and going......
Jose, I think that you need to invest in a red stocking cap, a hooded sweatshirt and a packet of sugar. lol
I'd do it, but I'd also have to invest in a heavy tan.
Got Maul said:
oh and braks, just in case you thought you're parting thoughts of me were of sadness that our group was seperating, I am about to erase all that...check in your backseat's cupholder...just remember, smells like honey baby ! YEEEE HAWWW !

Ummm... I missed reading this yesterday but as soon as I read it this morning I went out to the truck and sure enough... a present from Jose... Think I'll wait until I can find a bio-suit and a nice pair of tongs to remove it....
man, those helmetless desert pics are awesome ! I thought those would turn out cheesy, but I like seeing us without the buckets !
being that it was $2.30/ oz and that lobster is 22 pounds..., 16 ounces in a pound

that's a $810 dollar lobster. Damn !

By the way, Kristin, my name is Jose. I know us brown folk get mixed up because y'all kills us off first, but at least dignify us by our names !!!
Maybe if you guys didn't use all the same looking avatars. lol Even I have to look twice, when I see the avatar. Arturo, go back to your clone helmet pic!
Got Maul said:
being that it was $2.30/ oz and that lobster is 22 pounds..., 16 ounces in a pound

that's a $810 dollar lobster. Damn !

By the way, Kristin, my name is Jose. I know us brown folk get mixed up because y'all kills us off first, but at least dignify us by our names !!!

:lol: I'll stick with Toby- it is the avatars!!! Or maybe I can use the old standby- I'm blonde :D
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