Masterchief Pics


Active Hunter
Thought I would show you all a few pics with my Masterchief armor on, let me know what you think.






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Close the toilet seat after your done, and light a match will ya:lol:

The suit looks awesome.

Hope you don´t have to battle it out in the bathroom toomuch.

Happy new year.
You are on a roll!!

Very nice suit! The shoes look a bit on the large side though... is that ''accurate'' ? I can't remember if it was like that in the game???
Sorry about being in the head but it had the best lighting in the whole house. Its a casting by Adam Grumbo and the helmet is Sean Bradley. The shoes are supposed to be big like that.
Still praying I can make it, as long as work allows:rolleyes

That's one of Adam's suits? I may be interested in getting a set in the future, but I don't know how tall of a person it can fit, cause I remember most of it being casted off of a MC statue. Looks good man
That's one of Adam's suits? I may be interested in getting a set in the future, but I don't know how tall of a person it can fit, cause I remember most of it being casted off of a MC statue. Looks good man

This thing is very snug, I'm 5' 11'' and weigh about 175lbs. If I weighed one once heavier I would not be able to fit in this thing. So be wary if you do buy one of these. There also tight on the wrists, sometimes it cuts my wrists if I don't have the gloves on.
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