LATER friends On the TDH

This is a truely sad day. Jason, I hope you reconsider and stay, or I hope the changes can occur to bring you back. You are easily one of the best vendors on this board. Your communication, turn around time, and of course the product is top notch. Not to mention the fact that you are fantastic to deal with. I own many of your product, and have been extremely happy with all of it. Your post count has absolutely no reflection on the help you have provided this board, in my opinion. Man, I really hope you don't leave for good. I will keep in touch:(
Didn't this come up when we were on the phone a few months back? Don't shun everyone else because of a couple of bad apples. The time will come when those guys will have alienated everyone around them, and then they'll see the light. Until then, just let them wallow in their own ****.

Leaving isn't going to solve anything. Honestly, theres no reason for you to go. It will play itself out, eventually. I think (in the long run) you'd be happier if you stuck around. Overall, TDH is still a fantastic place to spend some time. <3

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I'm sorry to see you leave, Jason. I thank you for all of the help you gave to a lot of the members here myself included. I will definitely miss having you around here.

Take care.
Ive been a member here for two and a half years and in the early days of my membership I felt very welcome here. More recently though I too have become dispondant at the elitist and clique attitudes that is becoming more prevelant. Treatment of newcomers has sometimes been less than hospitable and the current trend of ignoring PMs is something that has infuriated me. I guess a low postcoutn makes you a second class citizen around here.
Ive been a member here for two and a half years and in the early days of my membership I felt very welcome here. More recently though I too have become dispondant at the elitist and clique attitudes that is becoming more prevelant. Treatment of newcomers has sometimes been less than hospitable and the current trend of ignoring PMs is something that has infuriated me. I guess a low postcoutn makes you a second class citizen around here.

I couldn't agree more.
I have complained to the mods about this, including naming names ,on several occasions over the last couple of years and either excuses were made or the pm's were ignored completely. It does seem quite evident that despite what some of the mods are saying on the boards several members are protected from upon high. This is the reason I and a lot of members I know are now content to just lurk and not post these days, for fear of unwarrented/unjustified attacks and critisism.

It is a sad day when they appear willing to let the boards be over run by individuals willing to drive out both newbies and the old guard alike.

Skygunbro, its a shame you are leaving and a big loss to the forums, but frankly I can't blame you.
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Didn't this come up when we were on the phone a few months back? Don't shun everyone else because of a couple of bad apples. The time will come when those guys will have alienated everyone around them, and then they'll see the light. Until then, just let them wallow in their own ****.

Leaving isn't going to solve anything. Honestly, theres no reason for you to go. It will play itself out, eventually. I think (in the long run) you'd be happier if you stuck around. Overall, TDH is still a fantastic place to spend some time. <3

My thoughts exactly;)
What a shame. While I agree with most of what you said SkyGunBro. At the same time a community is made better by folks living up to what you are claiming you want to see rather then leaving because one or two folks spoil the party. There will be highs and lows no matter where you go and I have never seen anything any different on any other board to lead me to believe otherwise. Its sad but just a fact of life that dosnt seam to ever go away.

Whether your on TDH, the RPF,, the 501st forums, The another board or any other board for that matter you will get spoil sports, people jumping onto newbies, clicks, elitist selling... ect ect. I believe its standing up for what you believe in and acting how you would like to see others to act that will make where ever you log on to a better place.

Take care and good luck on your future projects.
Pretty much what Justin said... clearly you haven't been around on the net much because many of the problems we have here are prevalent in every online community. I recently joined a forum, totally unrelated to props and almost had to laugh as I can virtually place names of members from our forum on members from this new forum based on their attitudes and demeanor!

The things with the cliques and elitism lately really has gotten out of control. It is absolutely pathetic to see how some people choose to behave and that some people have such little self esteem and worth that they have to play "god" in an arena like this to make themselves feel like they have some value. The worst part is that it is generally (here and everywhere else I have gone) the most talented among us who feel the need to act the most childishly. However, as long as people condone/overlook those actions, worship those people and give them power, they will continue to misuse it. That is just the way it is. I think it is unrealistic to expect the administration to do something about it. They can't force a certain individual to sell a particular item to a particular person. They can't force people to like one another or be gracious. They can't force people to realize the board and people they continually poop all over is the same board and people who have given them their "celebrity" status in this tiny sliver of society. It is very sad but I have seen it again and again here and in many other places.

In regard to the newbies... there is no reason to be rude to them, but the fact of the matter is that it is pretty arrogant and self-important to come here to TDH and expect to be hand fed the information that is already readily available on this board. If you are too lazy to simply do a search, why should I take MY time to type it all out for you? Again, there is no justification for old members being rude about it, but it isn't out of line to tell a newb to use the search function. It is an inappropriate sense of entitlement to think that and old timer should spoon feed you the things you can easily find for yourself.

On a final note, I really think it is silly for you to leave in a huff because everyone won't play the way you deem they should. If I did that, I could pretty much just shut my internet connection off and never go online again. There will always be those who choose to be rude, unscrupulous, liars, pot-stirrers, and trouble makers. Some are clever enough to stay just below the radar and so they will be here. Just ignore them and enjoy the good things, the positive contributions, the people who are truly trying to help one another. There are still plenty of those people here and this is still a great community. As much as we wish some would just fade away, they won't and even if they do, there will be others who will step in to take their place, but by letting them drive you from a place you love, you only give them more power.
If you are too lazy to simply do a search, why should I take MY time to type it all out for you?

This isn't really my fight or anything, but I felt the need to point this out: if a newbie asks a question, and you reply with a snarky remark, aren't you taking time to reply anyway? Why not use that time to type out something constructive or helpful?

(Not that I'm accusing you of ripping on newbies left and right; I'm using "you" in the general sense).
I certainly understand where you are coming from and agree. There is no need for "snarky" responses to newbies but I also believe in the saying - give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. I believe this saying is absolutely perfect for this situation. Teach a new member how to look things up for themselves and they will be able to for the duration of their time here. Of course teaching them to do this should be done with kindness and in the spirit of helping them out.
I wasnt going reply here again although I do appreciate the support and your kind words.

But let this be said. I knew somehow this was going to get turned around so I was the bad guy or the one throwing a temper tantrum.

Im not leaving because the board doesnt work the way I think it should Im leaving for several reasons.The biggest one is the elitist attititude held by alot of the senior members.And yes I agree no matter what board you go to there are always guys like that there.
And I admit I can be thinned skinned at times and tend to get amped up over things that may seem trivial to others.

The other reason is the deception the certain few priveldged ones that say "poof" look what I made and never have to show WIP pics but are the first to ask others "where are the WIP pics." and basically insinuated you copied it.
These guys are protected because they make cool stuff and if slapped on the hand for their actions they retaliate by not selling their wares to the people that reprimanded them.So what happens...they get away with anything and everything.
Some of these people have attained a GOD complex and all their little minions that follow them around and treat them as such just compound the complex.

I also think that blackballing people all the time from certain for sale items is wrong and should not be allowed.Unless you know its a recaster then all items should be offered to anyone who wants them and not because you know the right people or greased the right palms.

If your doing a limited run and the allotment has been bought up then fine but open ended runs should be offered to anyone who wants them.

Another thing there are some people on here who never help out and only come on here to hock their wares...

And the MR helmet thread isnt what set me off it just added to it.My point was that the MR helmet is the most accurate bar none readily available helmet as compared to the rubies,Don post DP deluxe....Am I wrong???
And dont like being shat on or made out to be a tool because of my opinion. Am I a fett expert...NO never claimed to be I thought that was the point of the board for people wanting to learn...So Ill leave you few "experts" to quibble amonst each other......

The dented helmet is a good place with ALOT of good people and yes it has its issues like anywhere else but until these issues and the people that create the issues get weeded out then I chose not to be a part of it.

MY PM box is shut off . I have no open deals on here with anyone so this is a good time to walk away.Mods and admins you may close my account......
Hey SGB,

I realy feel sorry that you will leave this board.
I agree that sometimes this board or some of it´s members are to rough.
I had some occurrences here as well and I felt like this:

But the most of our members are nice, friendly and interesting friends.
They care about you or if you are in trouble they care about your problems.

So think again about your step and
let those voices that want to bring you down fall in silent.

You are a part of this family, You are the SGB!:thumbsup:
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