Jangos reversed shot


Active Hunter
ok well its 2 something in the morning.. cant sleep... ect... and im watching AOTC for the first time on my new 42'' aquis when i see something funky. in this shot. its only about a second. jangos helmet and probably the whole suit is reversed. its hard to see in this snap shot but is clear as day on my tv. i just think its funny that in 2002 they did the same thing as in ROTJ for boba. i mean come on. re shoot the damn seen ya lazy jerks. :lol who knows it might be a hidden cameo :lol:

ya he did but later in the scene.

Then maybe it might a case of editing continuity.When "they" cropped in that sceen they forgot Jango had fired his missile.
And for the reverse shot of Jango.I am sure it was filmed corrected but again editing had a role in it."They" propably did not like to angle of that fight scene so they just reversed the flim for the scene to be seen on that side of the screen.Just an thought,I might be wrong.
man the more i look at this scene the more it looks like a totally messed up piece of ****. i don't even know how to explain this one. it looks like this shot is reversed but that might not be the case cause his helmet is correct.

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