Guess the song! (word game)


Sr Hunter
Hi all,
Where I work, we sometimes email little riddles or puzzles around the office to have a little fun.
Here's one I sent around to my coworkers today. It's "overly wordy song lyrics."

Try to figure out what song these lyrics are from.

"There exists a person representative of the female gender, who possesses the knowledge with a certainty equal to 1, that objects exhibiting the visual phenomenon of scintillating reflectivity are made up entirely of the 79th natural element, with an atomic weight of 196.67. Additionally, the aforementioned individual shall proceed to acquire, through trade of a measured quantity of said element, a construct with the purpose of assisting one’s ascent from the surface of the planetary body on which humans reside, to the realm of the afterlife."

If you know what it is, don't post the answer! No spoilers! :D I'll give it about 24 hours so people have time to see it, then I'll post the answer sometime tomorrow evening.

If you have some fun word games or riddles, post 'em up.
ooh! ooh! i wanna play! "i do not claim she has a desire for prospecting, however she does not enjoy the company of the destitute."
"There exists a person representative of the female gender, who possesses the knowledge with a certainty equal to 1, that objects exhibiting the visual phenomenon of scintillating reflectivity are made up entirely of the 79th natural element, with an atomic weight of 196.67. Additionally, the aforementioned individual shall proceed to acquire, through trade of a measured quantity of said element, a construct with the purpose of assisting one’s ascent from the surface of the planetary body on which humans reside, to the realm of the afterlife."

OK, not that many players. :lol:
Here are the lyrics:

There exists a person representative of the female gender, who possesses the knowledge with a certainty equal to 1,

There's a lady who's sure

that objects exhibiting the visual phenomenon of scintillating reflectivity are made up entirely of the 79th natural element, with an atomic weight of 196.67.

all that glitters is gold.

Additionally, the aforementioned individual shall proceed to acquire, through trade of a measured quantity of said element,

And she's buying

a construct with the purpose of assisting one’s ascent from the surface of the planetary body on which humans reside, to the realm of the afterlife.

a stairway to Heaven.

ooh! ooh! i wanna play! "i do not claim she has a desire for prospecting, however she does not enjoy the company of the destitute."

lol easymode: It's gold-digger, byyy... pfft, who cares, i know what song it is, lol. I got one now.

Verily, I would circumnavigate the entirety of the Earth, to locate this female.
Verily, I would circumnavigate the entirety of the Earth, to discover the mystery of her whereabouts.

protip: It's a rock song, but I'm not sure how popular it is.
monkees - whole wide world?

"my mental facilities are vehemently stating the negative, however the remainder of my physiology are in complete disagreement. i have no intention to cause injury to any other persons, though i possess a piece of information that must inform you of."
monkees - whole wide world?

"my mental facilities are vehemently stating the negative, however the remainder of my physiology are in complete disagreement. i have no intention to cause injury to any other persons, though i possess a piece of information that must inform you of."

Yes, yes, and yes. Also, R. Kelly: Bump and Grind. :) Gimme a minute, the dog needs out, but the new song is coming.
Expound on the process of me surviving without the necessary exchange of gases inside of my lungs
Should I expire during my sleep before I am roused by external stimuli, the reason is because I cannot exert an effort to draw a breath, being bereft of you is like moving my diaphragm for no gain

Wow, that's terrible. This song was hard, haha.
ok, here's the next song.

"the 31st state admitted into the US is well aware of it's ability to celebrate."
ok, here's the next song.

"the 31st state admitted into the US is well aware of it's ability to celebrate."

Ooh, ooh! I know that one. :) I won't spoil it though.

Here's another that's a bit more modern than my first one:

Considering that you found the event under discussion to be pleasuarable,
the recommended course of action was to have placed an encircling toroidal-shaped
metallic object symbolizing the most culturally recognized form of pair bonding upon
the tertiary proximal phalange of my grasping appendage.
Ooh, ooh! I know that one. :) I won't spoil it though.

Here's another that's a bit more modern than my first one:

Considering that you found the event under discussion to be pleasuarable,
the recommended course of action was to have placed an encircling toroidal-shaped
metallic object symbolizing the most culturally recognized form of pair bonding upon
the tertiary proximal phalange of my grasping appendage.

hahaha, I just heard this one on Glee. :3 I won't answer either of them though, because who wants a thread with only three people? Leave it for a new challenger. :P
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