Finally a cool shirt at Walmart


Active Hunter
I scored this shirt for my son at Walmart for $7.00

Sorry guys they are only in kids sizes.

I have another reason to loose weight now. To fit in a fat kid's shirt. :lol:

EDIT - Well hey, what was the biggest size they had it in? :lol:
man I used to fit into a large kids shirt. now I'm a large adult haha. Then again I'm not really into the super tight shirts anymore.
I think that our t-shirt´s (the ones that forum members designed) are a lot better ( any of them) !! :eek:

But they are nice !! i wish i could have the size to wear it... :(

Thanks for the news :thumbsup:

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Yep, saw those at Walmart, picked one up for my daughter. She had to have it. She was like "scary guy t-shirt!" (what she calls my mannequin:facepalm) I told her she can get it, if its ok with mom. Mom rolled her eyes, and said I am training my daughter well;)
neat, if they have a boys 14 I can fit in it surprizingly LOL i have a reflective silver Starwars logo black short sleeve that has fake grey undershirt long sleeves coming out of it I got for 5.00 from the kids stuff from a couple years back.

might have to pick one up :)
Yep, saw those at Walmart, picked one up for my daughter. She had to have it. She was like "scary guy t-shirt!" (what she calls my mannequin:facepalm) I told her she can get it, if its ok with mom. Mom rolled her eyes, and said I am training my daughter well;)

Ha ha! I feel your pain Bro! I bought my son a Boba Shirt, at WalMart as well, really cool grey with red metallic mandibles. My wife said "Every time you do that, you cost him one more date..."

However, I remind her that he got here, didn't he? :D
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