Dragon Con 2008 Hotel Alert!

Just wanted to tell everyone who is planning on attending Dragon Con 2008 in Atlanta, GA that all three of the host hotels have opened their blocks and will be sold out with in the next month.
I just booked my room at the Hyatt for $152 per night.
Good luck!

Not the Hyatt.:cry

A lot of the 501st (and possibly members here) are going to try and stay the heck away from there given what the hotel staff and security did this past year.
Everyone who's attending, I highly recommend going to the Marriott. It was great. Unfortunately, I won't be attending in 2008. It cost too much this year to make it an annual thing for me, but whenever I do get another chance to go, it'll be the Marriott for me.
Just wanted to tell everyone who is planning on attending Dragon Con 2008 in Atlanta, GA that all three of the host hotels have opened their blocks and will be sold out with in the next month.
I just booked my room at the Hyatt for $152 per night.
Good luck!

thanks for the tip, Just out of curiosity will all 3 hotels really be sold out in a month? That just seems a little unrealistic, can someone clarify this for me.
Its fully possible that they're sold out in a Month. Dragon*Con IS that big of a deal. =P

I think they sold out about that quick last year, if I remember?
They sell out the Dragon*Con rate in a month. They still have other rooms with jacked up prices. I should know, I covered the entire cost of said highly-priced room last time round, hence my not going this time round.
The Hyatt was like fort Knox this past year. I spent most of my time in the Marriott and was fine. Thanks for the heads up on making reservations.
I think I got my rooms in December or late November lastyear. This year we're trying to get some suites for Mercs since we have quite a few members coming this year. Gotta try to make it cheaper for everyone =)
Where are you finding the hotel codes for next year? I see updated membership for 2008, but the hotel data is still 2007.
Yeah they told me sold out, but then I just said I was going for Dragon*Con and they said there was a block available. So needless to say, I have my room booked for D*C!!
I booked at the courtyard but I may try the full marriott agian. Thaks for the tip.

I looked at the Sheraton but they want you to prepay. No way in heck would I do that! :thumbsdown:
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