death troopers


Active Hunter
i work at best buy and we were unloading the truck tonight and i saw a book in a box with st and wa under it and knew it said star wars, so i opened the box and it was full of this book called death troopers with an awesome cover. i bought it and read the first chapter already seems like an awesome book. anyone heard or read this book?

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a prisoner barge that stumbles upon an abandoned star destroyer in deep space, their barge breaks down. they find out on the star destroyer is home of infected like "28 days later" mixed with stormtroopers
I am trooping an event as Boba on the 17th at Powells Books for the release of this book. The author will be there for a signing. Our garrison/Powells manager usually takes the author out to dinner after. This should be a fun troop.:thumbsup:
Ok, no joke... that trailer promo vid thig. Is AWESOME. I really want to read this book and I am not much of a reader haha.

ive got to chapter seven and there about to board the ship, should be awesome, and i agree that trailer is awesome/creepy...i love it!!!
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