
Active Hunter

I will be traveling soon with my gear and just wanted to ask you what you use to transport/store your gear in. I want to look into buying some kind of storage case/container that I can fit all my Boba Fett costuming stuff in for airline travel. not really sure what the airline restrictions are for oversized cargo is yet but who makes and sells a good quality case for everything to fit in and can take the beating the airline handlers are going to give it??

thanks guys,

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I will be traveling soon with my gear and just wanted to ask you what you use to transport/store your gear in. I want to look into buying some kind of storage case/container that I can fit all my Boba Fett costuming stuff in for airline travel. not really sure what the airline restrictions are for oversized cargo is yet but who makes and sells a good quality case for everything to fit in and can take the beating the airline handlers are going to give it??

thanks guys,

Music equipment travel/ storage case. If you use suitcases carry your bucket on with you!
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I took this storage unit to C3 in Indy. I checked it onto the plane with my luggage. I just added some twist ties around the handles to keep it together. I was able to fit my whole Clonetrooper costume in it. I just packed it with a lot of padding. It's nice because it is fairly study and it rolls. You could also probably fit some of your clothes in it.:)

those are great ideas guys but what about locks? I've heard some horror storys of waiting for your stuff to come down the luggage pick up and the containers were open and worse yet, the handlers going through your stuff and having items missing????
Hi Ben,

You might want to consider this type of storage bin for traveling, it looks sturdy enough to survive the rigors of airport baggage handlers. You might also want to get some luggage straps long enough to go around the entire box to protect the top from coming off it's hinges. Bon Voyage and hope this helps!

Take care,
Music equipment travel/ storage case. If you use suitcases carry your bucket on with you!

BAM! beat me to it. There is no SAFER or better way to travel with expensive gear. Here is the type of case I'm talking about Not exactly this one in particular, but they have all sorts of sizes with and without wheels. You could fit all your armor in here including your helmet. They have a special type of foam liner in them that protects against shock. You could literally toss your armor in a case like this off a moving vehicle and it will still be fine. If glass tubed amps can handle it im sure the armor can! I'm also sure these would be easy to lock with a padlock. I think some of them even have a combination thing. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:8)
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I know a lot of guys travel with their costumes to Comic con and such, but when I finally had a chance to take my costume on a trip, I found that the locks that are approved for use by the airlines (TSA Locks) were some of the cheapest locks available. I had a hard time finding ones that were sturdy enough to hold my case closed.

As it turned out, 1 of the 3 locks I used had broke on the way to California, and again on the way back. So I would suggest redundency. Use multiple locks, so if any get knocked loose while being handled by the baggage handelers, your stuff doesn't wind up scattered around a cargo hold ;)
I used zip ties on mine - and then on the top of the box taped a bunch more extra zip ties with duct tape - and found that the airport folks cut them off and then replaced them with the ones that I had taped to the top - that was on the way to CIV and they did the same on the way back.
I took a big bag meant for golf club bags down to D*Con. It fit 4 costumes inside (few hard parts, mostly soft). I used the TSA locks, and security didn't even bother to put them back on. I like Tony's zip tie idea. I'll probably use it when I go to CV.
For you guys that don't fly much, and just to be clear, TSA WILL open your stuff. The TSA approved locks are approved because they can open any of them. If you lock it and it's not a TSA approved lock they are going to cut the lock, or just leave your luggage off the plane.

Same goes for taping it up, or zip ties it. They are going to open it, especially if it's odd.

YOU MIGHT want to print out a picture of the costume from the movie, and include a little note explaining that "Hey, this is a star wars costume. It's from a movie. It is just a movie prop. If you have never seen star wars, find a friend of yours that has. This is my cell phone number, call me, we can talk." Leave it just under the cover...

Can prevent hickups like them evacuating the airport and having the local bomb squad blast your jet pack with a robot controlled shotgun...

Just a thought...
I'm really surprised FettHunter hasn't chimed in. He has an awesome case for his. I could find some pictures of the old one over on the RPF, but haven't been able to find his new one.
I haven't traveled with my costume on an airplane for a year-and-a-half. I used the same storage case Darren uses, and I carried my bucket on the plane with me. Needless to say I attracted a lot of attention by passengers seeing somebody with a Star Wars helmet! I took my stuff to TSA myself and had them X-ray it, search it, etc. with me there to explain anything suspicious.
Most of my armored events are something I just drive to and can haul armor around. So I use just normal plastic storage bins. When I store my stuff for events, we normally get a secure place where they lock the doors.
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