Boba finally gets the respect he deserves!


Sr Hunter
On Friday night I went with a group of friends to Friday the 13th. After the movie, a garrison member by the name of Adam Joyce tells me that he has a birthday present for me. We go out to his car, and he hands me a mannequin.

Woot! I've wanted to give Boba a proper display for ages. Admittedly, this means trooping in it will be more of a pain, but it's soooo worth it!


My friend Carlos came over tonight to help me hold him up / get him in position.

The support comes by way of a steel bar on a flange that's screwed into and through the base -- yeah, this goes right into my floor. Yay home ownership!

The pose is AWESOME for Boba! And perched atop his head is my new RotJ helmet, all finished now.


So Adam, I had to saw off his fingers to make the gloves fit. The glove fingers are stuffed with scrap fabric to flesh them out.

I decided that trying to put the blaster in his hands was asking for trouble -- it's way too heavy.

Overall I am ridiculously happy with how this looks.

Oh, and the ceiling fan is getting removed anyway, so that will get less scary ;)
Looks fantastic, Brian! Nothing like getting your pieces out on display!!! Hit up the sci-fire guys for a hyperfirm blaster for the display!
Looks fantastic, Brian! Nothing like getting your pieces out on display!!! Hit up the sci-fire guys for a hyperfirm blaster for the display!
That looks awesome. It's a nice clean display with room to spare around him. I like how it doesn't look like you crammed him into a messy room with prop stuff all over the ground. The lighting is also pretty sweet!
Looks great, Brian!

I'm with ya, though. Not looking forward to the next time I want to troop in mine. Stripping him down is a pain and my wife gets really skeeved out by naked mannequin guy. lol
Based on a recommendation from Carlos, I moved the painting so that it's not lost behind the statue:


We were joking about two grown men were playing dress up with a REALLY big Ken doll!

And now I wish I had kept the Hyperfirm that I used to have. I thought "why would I possibly need 2 EE3s?"

Heh. Now I learn!

The painting behind him is one I picked up at a con from an artist by the name of Kevin Liell. It's a funny story actually... he did it quickly because he would be sitting right near Jeremy Bulloch. So quickly that the oil paints were still wet enough to be almost workable while it was on display.

At the end of the weekend he mentioned that he really didn't want to take it home, and wished that someone had bought it. I jokingly said "I've got $20", to which he responded "Sold for less than the cost of the canvas!" and gave it to me. I think he just didn't want to ride back to CT smelling the paint! Either way, HUGE score for me.

In other art-trivia, there's also an original Matt Busch illustration in the background to the left. It's a drawing of the Emperor and a stormie that was used in a Darth Vader book. Sadly it was damaged in shipping - FedEx let it get folded!!! The crease is minor, and when it was mounted for framing it just about disappeared. Either way it's one of my favorites.

Oh - and the mannequin is way taller than me. I'm AMAZED the suit fits it. It was originally intended to display a Vader suit, and it shows. With the platform, shoes and helmet, he's 6' 3" easily.
Rockin' display! I'm going to try to convince my wife that I need a mannequin to display my Fett. It'll be a hard fight. :lol:
Cool story about the painting, too. Very unique piece of art!
Rockin' display! I'm going to try to convince my wife that I need a mannequin to display my Fett. It'll be a hard fight. :lol:
Cool story about the painting, too. Very unique piece of art!

Funny thing about the wife convincing (and goes to show how lucky I am!)

My wife had this to say today:

Jodi said:
If the door to this room is open, you can see Boba from right inside of our front door. Very cool! :)

When you walk into our house, there's a stairway going up to the 2nd floor right in front of you. That room is at the top of the stairs, and Boba is right in the doorway. So yeah, you see that right when you enter the house, assuming lights are on and such.
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