ANOVOS picks up the high-end Star Wars Costuming License!

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
I am so excited to share this, as it is great news for Star Wars fans but also a win for this community, as long-time members dgasser and gotmaul, the founders of ANOVOS came out of this community! As many know, Museum Replicas held the high-end Star Wars costume license for years, promised much, and delivered little. They lost the license last year and after an insanely long negotiation, ANOVOS was able to pick the license up! They already have a number of projects in the works and are showing off some very early prototypes this weekend at C2E2.

To me, this is one of the greatest things we see in this hobby; fans like us, who started right here, doing what we love, and eventually taking that passion and being able to make a livlihood from it! Congrats on living the dream!

Click here for a full press release:
Channel Han, Luke and Darth Vader with official 'Star Wars' costumes - CNET

Click here to check out there existing lines of high-end Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek costumes!
ANOVOS Productions LLC | ANOVOS Productions LLC

Here they are, purposefully failing at being coy with their C2E2 posts... ;)
Awesome! I picked up one of their Into Darkness costume sets (Spock; no McCoy tunic when I ordered), and the build quality is really nice!
I've been biting my tongue, only telling close friends for a while about the new project we're involved with.

It's going to be a busy year!
..not only with the projects but also since several of us in this venture are having babies this summer! Oh boy..
This is so great! Wow wow wow! Very happy for those two guys no doubt they will produce some amazing products! Wow! Couldn't happen to the nicest guys to, very cool!
Does this mean there's a possibility for some metal Jango Westars to become available again? Or am I getting my hopes up?

Excited either way!
So people can just buy these and get into the 501st now?

There is a big discussion on the RPF about that....especially when it comes to the Vader.

They are working with 501st members to make it acceptable (or as accurate as possible while still being a durable/wearable costume), but also said that some will be and some won't be approved. We will just have to wait and see.
This is exciting news. Congratulations MonCal and the rest of the team. I subscribed to the newsletter so am excited to see what becomes available in the future, especially for Vader.
Looks great! I wonder if it'll be possible to buy piecemeal? For example, if I wanted a Bespin jacket, would I have to buy the entire costume?
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