WIP - ESB Fett a rapidly expanding project

I was comfortable outside, but as soon as I stepped indoors it got toasty. I couldn't imagine trooping at an outdoor event in real summer heat. I don't know how other costumes compare and hadn't really thought about it before.
A Mandalorian Merc in one the pictures above had a leather vest, which I imagine is even hotter, but he had short sleeves.
Black primer is a good call. The acrylic wash makes it look like ground in dirt and grime, but it's somewhat subtle from a distance and some darker weathering is needed on top of it.
Hey man. Glad you had a good time. Sorry we didn't meet up. We had a pretty action packed day. I was photographing the kid events...so cute.

I did find it was toasty in the exhibit area...there was fairly poor air flow as it was. The boba you met was Les. Did you talk to the crew at the 501st table? You should join the Outer Rim Squad Facebook page and get to know some of the Vancouver crew.
Thanks everyone. It's nice to see a year of effort come to fruition. I'm not close to done yet, but I now have a costume that I can wear and improve as I go along.
I got my painted shin tools in the mail today from Darth Voorhees. Thanks Lou. They look great.

painted shin tools TDH.jpg

That's one more thing to cross off the list.
I still need to get a jetpack adjustment tool. I'm thinking a 3D printed tool would be easier and lighter than carrying around a metal pipe in my shin pocket.
After a busy late spring and summer, it's time to get back to my ESB Boba so it's complete (or as complete as a I can make it) for Celebration. The knee armour from Bobamaker should arrive any day, but my painted jetpack from Fett Seven is still a few weeks away.

So, in the meantime, I'm going to repaint my gauntlets, which i got from a member here, who lived in the U.K. It was a super good deal and he called them "starter gauntlets".
Anybody know how made them?
They are fairly simple ABS and closed with velcro. They appear to be ROTJ gauntlets painted in ESB colours.
Here is the top half of each one.

IMG_9259.jpg IMG_9265.JPG

The plan is to remove the whipcord housing and make it way smaller (thinner?), sand it all down, repaint everything and maybe get a new MQ1 keyboard (or replica). I'll at least properly align the darts, if not replace them. I think the dental expander will be OK and I can repaint the rocket so it looks better. I'll also need to get a flamethrower at some point, but I'll figure that out later. I have a few other things I need to buy before I get that.

I got the whipcord housing off, took other pieces apart, peeled some glue and started to sand them down.

IMG_9270.JPG IMG_9275.JPG

I do have a question though. Are there painting and colour templates for gauntlets, like RafalFett's armour templates?
I have all my reference shots ready, but those templates were super helpful when I painted my armour. Am I just not looking in the right place? Thanks.

These will get replaced one day, but they will do me until I get other parts of my costume completed first.
As far as I know, the gauntlets are still on 'reference image only,' same with the jetpack. I will be in the same boat for my ROTJ gauntlets. Put your silver down, layer it up, and go easy on the masking. Less is more I think for the gaunts - edges, corners, etc.. And if you want after you lay down the green, just take some steel wool to rub away to the silver layer.
Thanks DeathProof. I was hoping that I just couldn't find it. I guess I'll have to do what our Fett forefathers did and just go off the reference shots :-) I'll definitely go layered. Fortunately, I splurged on the jetpack and will be getting that painted by Fett Seven. That's a fair bit of painting and detail. I can't wait to get it. Then, I need to sort out a harness. I'm trying to decide between MoW's vest (although my costume is warm enough without another layer) or toolguy301's 3d printed harness. I still have some time to decide.
While the soft vest is nice and comfortable, for not much more you can get the 3D printed one. I would probably side with that. I have MOWs harness and it's great. I am going to mod it a bit to make sure I get a balanced fit though.
I took the plunge and ordered the jet pack harness from Toolguy301 so I'll be ready when the jet pack arrives. I also ordered a replica MQ-1 keypad for my gauntlet.
I've been busy sanding the gauntlets and forgot how much work sanding can be. I need to start sourcing the strapping for the harness and should probably deal with my ankle spats.
I need to convert them to ESB accurate ties. I've been digging around, but haven't found exactly how wide they should be. I saw that someone made them 1 3/4 inches, but it didn't seem very official. The reference shots, various builds and even the Clothears suit pics give a pretty good idea about size, but I was wondering if there was an agreed upon width. Length doesn't really matter to me as they'll just close in the back with velcro.
Bounty, let me know how that jet pack harness comes out! I'd prefer metal but you never see the harness expect the strap in front under the flak vest!
I'll update this thread when I get it and the jet pack. I'm mostly trying to go lighter where I can. That's part of the reason I went with Fett Seven's jet pack. I want to pick up a 3-D printed jet pack adjustment tool for that reason too. I don't need a a metal rod in my shin tool pocket if the 3-D printed one can look as good.
I've made a little bit of progress. I took the gauntlets apart, sanded them down and put on a coat of silver paint.


Now I need to figure out their battle damage and do the masking before I paint them Spruce Green. I'm still sanding down the whipcord housing to make it ESB sized. I'm not sure if I should use a scalpel to trim it down, keep on sanding or if there is a better way to trim the ABS.
So, I've been working away. I cut down the whipcord housing, filled in the holes, sanded it down and got the primer on it.


I masked off the rest of the gauntlets and got the spruce green rattle can layer on top of the silver.


I picked off the masking and painted the black button on the top of the right gauntlet.


I need to add the gray paint topically, weather them and add the darts and rocket (which I need to refinish as well).

It's been a very great last couple of weeks. I got my 3D printed jetpack harness from Toolguy301.


I sanded, primered and painted the pieces silver. I ordered the nylon webbing from Order Straps, Buckles, Webbing, Tie-Downs | Strapworks.com. It only cost about $8 plus shipping. I got the 2 inch black light polypropylene at Polypropylene Webbing | Buckles, Straps & Rings | Strapworks.com. I like it better than the seatbelt material as it doesn't have a pattern on it. The lightweight webbing should be plenty strong enough. It has a breaking strength of 300 to 1,200 pounds. This type of webbing doesn't absorb water or stretch. I got the heavyweight 1.5" inch white webbing (from the same page) for the straps that attach to the jetpack. The white webbing looks thicker than the black in the reference photos.


I also ordered the replica US Divers belt buckle, as well as the jetpack hooks and clips from Full Metal Fett. They're great. I cut the webbing a little bigger than I needed to and attached it with safety pins to test it out. My wonderful wife is going to sew the webbing to the harness for me this weekend. I still need to pick up the aluminium bar and attach the harness all together.


When it rains it pours. I also got my knee armour and aluminum launchers from Bobamaker. They were the one thing I couldn't afford to order when I ordered the rest of my amour from him. I applied the first layer of silver paint and that's as far as I've got so far.
So, I got this beauty in the mail today from Stormrider. It's just plain awesome.


I'm going to have to make due with a temporary sidearm until I can order one. I think I try modifying a Nintendo Duck Hunt Gun until I can buy one. I didn't really think about size, but it's huge! On a regular belt, it hangs almost to my knees. It seems like it might bob around when I'm walking. Is there a way to prevent that from happening or will it just stay where it needs to when it the sidearm is in place?
Thanks Syllander. Do you just glue the strap near the bottom? It seems a shame to mess with the pristine holster.
Is that more of work around, as I don't recall seeing a strap in any of the reference pics?

Your post reminds me that I'm overdue for an update for this thread.
I made a few upgrades for Halloween and Fett Seven has just shipped my painted jetpack. I can't wait to get it.
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