After years of thinking that I didn't want to go through the hassle of piecing together a Fett (even though I really wanted one), I decided to take this plunge last month. I had recently trooped in my TK in the Dallas Christmas Parade and spent some time at Children's Medical Center the day before with one of our Garrison's ROTJ Fetts (Levi). That was December 5, and that night I started looking at TDH with a purpose to start designing this thing.

Here we sit not even a month and a half later, and I just looked at my list and realized:

1) Wow, I have this thing nearly licked; and
2) Wow, if my wife knew what I had spent in the past 45 days, her eyes would roll out of her head.

Here's the list so far, mainly for my own selfish purposes of getting it all down and keeping a record that I can easily access and update. Also, anything that I am missing I would happily take advice on.

Helmet - Fettpride Premium Kit on the way. Then going straight to SpideyFett for paint.

Jetpack - MoW - nearly completed with the paint job, but will likely ask Alex to finish the weathering

Harness - FettDad (who I owe a big thanks again to, for talking with me and pointing me in the right directions on this build) system, Diver's Belt and Squarerings from BFUK

- WickedBeard - ordered and at last update they were "pretty far along"

Armor - WickedBeard - ordered and at last update they were cut and awaiting paint

Flightsuit - currently being made by Arkady (anyone looking for ESB blue flightsuit, check with her - she found some awesome fabric a couple weeks back)

Vest & Belt Pouches- Ladysewforus

Neck Seal - Batninja

Ammo Belt - BooBooFett. This thing is so nice. Really worth the price.

Braids - Woodman. Really, really nice.

Girthbelt - just ordered from dsonik's run. Looking forward to getting it and rubbing some dirt and grease into it.

Cape - Woodman. Really, really awesome. Weathered and tattered very nicely. I think I had it in my mailbox 3 days after paying him, too.

Gloves - In on Galactic Bounty Hunter's latest run.

Chest Display - TK-409

Boots - CABoots

Shin Tools - Gabe/Evolution

Blaster -


That is it stuff that I have either already gotten my hands on or have paid for and am chomping at the bit to get. Hoping to have everything in the next month or so. So...on to the list things I still need. Commentary on everything is appreciated, but especially on these remaining items:

Beacon & Stabilizer - either mojo or Gabe/Evo. Like that the Evo setup comes with the light kit on the Beacon.
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that looks almost identical to my list , except for helm and armor , but ill be going with mow guants , i just hit up akady for the esb suit and pouches last night , definatly hit up the dad for the blaster(y)
You still need to add these to your list: Gaunt Missile, Sidearm, Holster, Gaunt darts, Flame thrower, Flame thrower hoses, Studds, and spats. (y)

the wickedbeard stuff comes with the accessories hoses and all

and Ive been trying to do the same thing...wife wont know what hit her if she found out how much some of it cost. Good luck pics when you get stuff!
You still need to add these to your list: Gaunt Missile, Sidearm, Holster, Gaunt darts, Flame thrower, Flame thrower hoses, Studds, and spats. (y)

Wickedbeard fits out his metal armor and gaunts with all the goodies.

ESB = No spats

I do need the sidearm and holster, but that will definitely be saved for last.
Ah, I am a ROTJ/SE fan, didn't know there were no spats. Also didn't know the gaunts came with the goods ;) I haven't looked into gaunts because I plan on building my own. Good luck with your Fett Shabazz!
Almost there! Still waiting on my sidearm/holster set up from BactaWork, and still need to do some reshaping of the Wickedbeard backplate to fit the full harness better. But I am just about ready to troop this sucker. Thanks especially to Rob (Deadland) for the amazing bucket paintup on my FP Premium lid. Awesometown!


After looking at the pics, the kill stripes came out really dark in the light. I actually did a little lightening of the first half of stripes so they would show a little more yellow in low light, with a nice, accurate fade to them.
Clint your ESB Fett looks great I am glade you are happy with your bucket sorry you had to lighten up the kill stripes but I will keep that in mind the next time around. Enjoy your first troop!!!
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