WIP: Boba ESB Build

Musical Fett

Active Hunter

Started piecing together some items for a ESB Boba Fett early in 2012, and due to life getting in the way, have been unable to dedicate a lot of time to it until recently. Here are some pics of where I am at thus far.

I still have some items to pick-up...most notably a flight suit and girth belt. Boots should be delivered any day now. Armor is FettPride's most recent version. Jetpack is MoW. Helmet is a MR. Gloves, jetpack harness, gauntlets are MoW and I don't have any pics of those yet.




And a pic of my license plate on my Jetta.

Not sure on when I'll have the rest together to send off for entry to the 501st, but hopefully sometime this summer. I'm a teacher and am hoping to finish this up this summer.

Any feedback would be much appreciated. Sorry for the bad iPhone pics.

Take care,

looking great, im about to start a scratch build, but after seeing everyones pics i think im gonna be too embarrassed to post any pics myself
looking great, im about to start a scratch build, but after seeing everyones pics i think im gonna be too embarrassed to post any pics myself

Thanks! Yeah it's a bit intimidating will all the great builds and talented members, but everyone has to start somewhere. Good luck on your build!
Looks great man! I hope you are able to get it done soon. I know how you feel. I too am a teacher, and it is really hard to find time...let alone money. :lol:
Thanks guys! Yeah, I teach guitar lessons on the side, otherwise there'd be no way I'd be able to fund this project.

I can't seem to find the ESB requirements on the main 501st site, but is the EE-3 and sidearm required for legion membership? I plan on getting them, but likely last due to the amount that I've spent already. Other than those, I still need a girth belt, flight suit, pouches, spats, and side arm holster.
I think the requirements for the Fett costume are on the Bounty Hunters Guild website. there is a CRL in the forums. I could be wrong but I believe all weapons are optional.

Here's a link: Log In
Here are some pics of the gauntlets and knee armor. Still have to get the hose and attach it to the one and add the red and white cables that go at the end of the flamethrower on the gauntlets. Once I get a jumpsuit, I'll probably add some velcro or snaps to the knees to keep them in place. Right now there is some elastic on the back just for accuracy.






Sorry about the awful pictures with the iPhone.
I like how your guitars are more in focus than the gaunts. Love the Rush poster by the way!

Thanks! Yeah, I'm gonna work on getting some better pictures up. Will need to when I submit my costume for acceptance to the 501st.

I'm a pretty big Rush fan and found that canvas print at Guitar Center a few months ago.
No pics to update, but do have a sidearm holster and girth belt on order. Should receive my boots from MoW any day now and will get to work on those.

Last things to order are the flightsuit, pouches, and spats. I've been doing Insanity and hope to lose another 10lbs or so before I order those. Hopefully by summer!
Haven't got any more work done, but did pick these up at Pep Boys yesterday and had to share.

Fairly comfortable and they look great. Going to put them in my future Star Wars themed collection/media room.


Finally ready to get back to work on this thing. Been a busy summer thus far, but I finally have some time to set aside for Boba. I started painting up my MoW boots this evening. Have the base coat on; am going to work on the soles/weathering tomorrow after this dries a bit.

Also, got my aluminum cod/kidney and collar/back armor studs installed.


Finally I have my sidearm and holster primed and getting ready to add some weathering to my gloves.


Still need to add straps to my jetpack harness, hooks to my jetpack, purchase a flightsuit and pouches, add straps to my girth belt, and some other odds and ends. Going to hold off on getting a EE-3 blaster for now, but would like to get one eventually when I have the $$$. I ordered a flexible mannequin that I'm looking forward to using to display all of this once complete.
Thanks Guys! Yeah, I really like the stools too! Not the most comfortable bar stools, but they do look cool.

Made some more progress over the past few days.

Got the holster painted up and the straps attached.

Also received my mannequin in the mail yesterday, so had to get my armor in it's current state put on it. The jumpsuit is a Ghostbusters place filler until I get an ESB-style Boba one. I was a little nervous about it tipping over, so I put a screw into a stud behind it and several wraps of picture frame wire around the screw and the mannequin to hopefully insure it doesn't tip. Still working on painting up my boots, hence why he is shoeless.


I need to pose him a bit more, but just happy to have it displayed somewhat.

Oh and not really costume related, but my wife got me this for Father's Day this year.

Hopefully I'll have more to update later this week. Happy 4th of July!
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