Webley...Rubber EE-3 Blaster

I got a hold of John last night.
Work has been very busy and hectic lately. He said he has cast the V8 part and is working on the first finished version of the gun.
He said that the wait is almost over and he will be posting the final pricing and payment info soon.
Okay. Here is the payment info. The final price is $350.00 per EE-3 including shipping to the lower 48 states. My paypal id is john@sci-fire.com. We have the waterjet armatures for the rest of the Webleys and will be running these this weekend. The V8 parts are in progress and will be completed by the weekend. We will be shipping some of the painted EE-3s by the end of next week.
When we cast the guns, they have to have a steel, aluminum, carbon fiber and fiberglass skeletal system in order to keep them rigid. Usually, you bend the steel or aluminum rods to make up the skeletal system. In large runs, we create an autocad file and have it cut from steel or aluminum via a cutting tool called a waterjet. Literally, high pressure water run by a computer.
I talked to John yesterday. It was his day off from work and he spent the whole day casting and molding the greeblies as well as a few more Webleys. Progress is advancing smoothly and they should be done very soon.
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