Vest run info


Active Hunter
Starting this thread to keep track of vest material and vest orders when the allotement of material is purchased we will use this thread to keep track of the status.
The price is 7.50 a yard plus 8.00 shipping.You can pay me via paypal at please mark payment as "Tackle Twill" also include your TDH name so i can post here who has some coming and payment status. Thanks

Material allotment List:
*skirata :***********4 yards paid via paypal (will get shipped to Batninja)
skygunbro:********3 yards will pay with total order
*Kibosh:**********5 yards paid via paypal
*stormwalker:******4 yards paid via paypal (will get shipped to Batninja)(sgb neckseal)
*Obi-Wan-Shinobi:**5 yards paid via paypal (will get shipped to Batninja)
*Bobby fett:*******4 yards paid via paypal
*Hellcop:*********2 yards Paid via paypal (will get sent to Batninja)
*bubba fett:*******4 yards Paid via paypal (will get shipped to Batninja)(neckseal SGB)
*mrgr8ness:*******4 yards paid via paypal
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A few of you have PMed me about sewing your vests. After discussing it with SGB, I am offering my services for this run. If you decide to have me sew your vest, please let SGB know to send your fabric to me!

The price will be $60.00 USD per vest, shipping included. I prefer PayPal, but will also accept money orders (no personal checks!).

I offer these vests in four basic sizes: M (38-40), L (42-44), XL (46-48 ) and XXL (50-52). In other words, if you wear a Large T-shirt, then a Large vest should fit you fine. I’m using 1 ½” Velcro for the closure, so there is plenty of ‘wiggle’ room for individual size adjustment. At this time, I am NOT doing custom orders.

The liner is made of a standard bottom-weight fabric, usually grey or white, depending on whatever I have available. The sleeves are quilted with 3/4" stitch lines, and the front side of the vest is padded.

I do not add strap-holes or Velcro to the vest, as many people have different preferred attachment methods. These alterations can be done by most any local seamstress or alterations shop.

I also offer these either WITH or WITHOUT the lower jet pack attachment cutout. Please specify which you prefer when you order.

I apologize, but at this time, I do not produce neckseals.

When paying through PayPal, remember to include:
1) Your TDH name
2) Size (M, L, XL, XXL)
3) Jet Pack Cutout: Yes/No

Let me know if you have any questions!
I can do the neck seals if people want them...the price is 35.00
Also please let me know if you want your material shipped to Bat as I will post it next to your name so when it comes in i can be sure to get it to him other wise if you dont tell me i will ship it to your paypal address.
Ok we have reached the 20 yards....With this company once I reach the 20 yard minimum I can buy more in 6 yard increments so if anyone else wants some lmk...this doesnt mean you have to order 6 yards but rather 2 people ordering 3 yards each would going to let this ride for a few more days and see what happens so if you want some get it now.
Also people who have paid please check the list in the first post and make sure the info is correct... if you want your stuff sent to Batninja lmk if its not marked already. thanks-jason
OutStanding we made the minimum. I will be so exstatic when I get that beautiful vest I already have a seamstress ready to sew on the velcro.
I am going to let this run until hop on the boat now if you want some. i will then transfer the money from paypal to my account and order monday morning.Sound good to everyone?
Just so there is no mistakes made please look at the first post and make sure if youd paid and are on the list.Its getting a little hectic on my end with all the payapl and emails Ive had for neckseals ,vest info and material info.-jason
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