SHOWOFF: CABoots new model Boba Fett boots in canvas (as they should be)


Active Hunter
Not sure if anyone remembers the fiasco I had back in October/November with having ordered a set of boots from CABoots - the short version is they sent me suede and din't tell me they were changing them. :thumbsdown:


I know - not accurate at all. So I sent them back to the company and asked for either a refund, or a new set made from propper materials and some of my input and reference photos. After six long months of research on materials and looking at photos, I have finally received a replacement pair made of canvas. They were sent in a natural color canvas since I told CABoots I would handle the color and weathering myself. Here are some pics of them painted and weathered. I would love some feedback from some people. I know the elastic section is a bit large, but since I have a set of Man of War's boots on order, I can live with this for now.




What do you guys think?

The company has informed me that they will be reopening a factory in Mexico, and using this as a template for their boot, but that the materials may be slightly different. So I have a one-of-a-kind boot for the moment. :thumbsup:
They are better than the old models for sure. But they still have some big issues. A few more tweaks would make them look better I think.
They are better than the old models for sure. But they still have some big issues. A few more tweaks would make them look better I think.

I know - elastic section is too large, and the sole is not quite as thick as I would have liked at the toe. How did I do on the weathering though?
I like the weathering. Nice job on that!
If you think you can get them to tweak some things (like the elastic) that would be awesome.
Unforunately they wont. They are saying that people with larger feet might not be able to get their feet in the boot if it is any smaller. I have a pair of MOWs boots on order though, so I kind of used this as a test pair for weathering.

Sent from my HTC EVO 4G.
i just got a pair of the MOW boots and i honestly can not say enough great things about them. they take paint amazingly, fit nice and the guy is amazing to deal with. you won't be disappointed
not a bad lookin boot! Weathering looks good! I agree about the 2 main issues with them. But then, CABoots were never spot on, and these are better than their older models.

I also agree MOW's boots are probably the best ones available at a great price. I have them and love them....may even buy a back-up pair once i have some cash!
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