should I use panzer green for everything?


Active Hunter
I recently ordered the panzer olive green paints as suggested by Rogue Studios. Should everything be painted with them and then darkened with weathering, or another color altogether? I'd love to hear/see suggestions.

Panzer Gruen ist für das Panzer! Keine Panzer Gruen für Sie Fett Ruhstüng! Klar? Gut! Mein Ruhstüng ist Weiss mit Grau und Kaffee-Braun. Abend.


jawafive wrote:

I recently ordered the panzer olive green paints as suggested by Rogue Studios. Should everything be painted with them and then darkened with weathering, or another color altogether? I'd love to hear/see suggestions.

Depends on what suit you are doing jawafive. If you are going ESB, you may want to use POG on your gauntlets and jet pack. Thats what I used for mine, and I like the way it looks;)
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