Serious about starting an ESB Boba Fett


New Hunter
Hey guys,

I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. I've been in the 501st for three years now as a Sandtrooper in the NER. This is currently my only set of armor, but I have been interested in building an ESB Boba Fett for a while and the time has come to start. Any guidance that you guys could give me on getting started would be greatly appreciated. My number is TD2298 for all of my fellow 501st Imperials here. :)

I am just starting to collect bits myself but here is my advice.
Plan lots and spend once, on this site are the best Fett parts builders out there, buy the best and you will not need to upgrade all the time.
Also read the forum before you spend.

Good luck

Welcome aboard Duke57...
I think abaddon1974 said it all really! do your research, loads of threads about all the various parts for the fett.
Have fun. :thumbsup:
Hey Johnny! Welcome aboard!

Johnny and I are garrison mates... He's got an excellent sandtrooper... and hopefully soon an excellent ESB Fett!!
Hey man! I'm workin on a Boba Fett myself. I got a great flak vest from a guy named swprops on ebay. He tailors to size and (shipping and handling aside...) is pretty reasonable in price. That's just my opinion but check his stuff out! He does ESB and ROTJ style soft parts. Haven't gotten armor from him yet so I don't know how that stuff stacks up but the pictures look good! Good luck!
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