ROTJ Jetpack paintup by DVH for Terrell78

Darth Voorhees

Well-Known Hunter
Preferred Vendor
Just thought id post up a WIP thread for Terrell78's ROTJ Jetpack, especially since noone has seen one of my ROTJ jetpacks yet and ive been getting asked quite a bit. :) This ones not a how-to step by step, just more of a progress thread really. I started on this last week, and hope to have it done by the end of this week. Will be doing the tank caps, thrusters and rocket this week. Here is where im at so far...

Still need to add the small scratches, striping/lettering and of course dirt!
good to see, as I only got my mow jp last week, looking foward to this one as I progress with mine with the clean up to paint, looking good so far DV:thumbsup:
Thanks man...i masked what you see in the first post..the rest is actual scratches done by "swiping" 120grit sandpaper on the surface, and "chipping" with an xacto knife. There is only a few touch up spots where the scratches are topical. :)
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