RotJ gauntlet buildup


Sr Hunter
Here it is... a progress thread assembling my own kit!

As you may have seen in another thread, I built up a set of gauntlets, made molds, and have cast up my first set.

Being the first, my own gauntlets are a bit messy. Thick in spots, thin in others. Workable overall, but lots of extra cleanup.

Anyway, back to the point...


Trimmed up and assembled:


I used hinges on the sides... Not accurate, but too practical to skip:


The flamethrower is held on with Goop and rivets for extra strength.


I'm using a dowel for the right gauntlet. Light, strong and easily glued.


Coming soon... Paint!
I've followed your other thread about scratch-building your gauntlets from For Sale signs. The problem I'm running into is the dotted lines, I believe are where you should score the material and bend it. I'm using For Sale signs, like yours, and an exacto knife to cut and score with. When I do, they break off at those points instead of bending. :(

Any suggestions?
I wasn't making mine to wear, only to use as the base. I covered the inside (non-scored) surface with tape so that it would stay together, then just let it break. The same thing happened to me.
i noticed that the whipcord housing is a bit too short in the front... so i'm going to have to retool that one a bit and make a new mold. i fixed mine up with epoxy putty, but that's just a quick hack since i had already glued the parts together when i noticed the size problem.

i won't be selling kits, but like other stuff i've done, i'll be passing the molds off to someone else when i'm done with them myself. he'll probably end up doing some number of them, but no idea when or where or how much or anything -- i don't have anything to do with them once the rubber leaves my hands.
Finally:thumbsup: I've been using your old buildup thread as a guide for my own construction. But i see a part here that i haven't got the slightest clue what is for.. The one in front of the first pic. with five squares in it.:confused
Love the finished result.
Thanks alot for the inspiration:cheers
is there a way to reshape the plastic after it is formed. I would like to stretch out my gauntlets. They are made of some sort of plastic.

er... sort of? you can heat them up and mess with the curves a little bit, but you can't make them longer or anything like that.

these ones aren't plastic, so how they work is a bit different anyway.







I've got a few more spots of masking fluid to remove, and have to put the 2nd hinge in the left one. The dual hinge system worked great. I don't think I'll be able to put them on by myself, but what's another step that needs help when I can't put most of the suit on.
I do have 2 hinges on each. Cruzer here was the first one that I saw do it that way, and I think it's a great idea. I don't have pics at the moment, but I'll take some the next time I'm near the gauntlets.
i think i mentioned somewhere else in the thread, but i won't be doing a run. i'm not nearly reliable enough to do that.

i'll be passing the molds along to a friend who will probably run up a bunch of them. what he charges will be totally up to him.
I do have 2 hinges on each. Cruzer here was the first one that I saw do it that way, and I think it's a great idea. I don't have pics at the moment, but I'll take some the next time I'm near the gauntlets.

Yeah. I remember Cruizer's build on the hinges. They are hidden on the inside without the pin through before you close them, right?
But the real gauntlets must have the hinge on one side?
Or is it just velcro all the way?
Sorry for the bunch of questions:facepalm
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