Resculpting my Fett armor

So I decided to retool my original mando style molds and added the proper dents and the recessed square in the diamond. I also resized the shoulder bells as well. Finished up the cod piece and added a new kidney plate into the mix. It's starting to take shape:





Looks great but I wonder about the inside edge of the cod because the original has more of a return toward the inner thigh.
this something you dont care about or did it dig into you so you modded it on purpose?
Thanks Shonuff! Can't wait to see this one till the end as well :p
Looks great but I wonder about the inside edge of the cod because the original has more of a return toward the inner thigh.
this something you dont care about or did it dig into you so you modded it on purpose?
No, I just made it based on the large sized WOF templates. It lines up exactly with the paper template and I felt it looked pretty dang close so I went with it :thumbsup:
Hi everyone, well as usual I'm working double overtime in the shop (one of these days I hope it'll pay off lol) and have decided to move on to the next portion of the Fett style armor that I've been producing. Not a whole lot of progress in the way of pics, but these few were a LOT of work and time involved. These are based exactly off the WOF gaunt templates with some size and curvature references taken from my own gaunts that I purchased a while back. Take a look:
Bottom half shell of the right gaunt


And the bottom half shell of the left gaunt...wound up having to fix the curvature on this one after discovering that it was too large at the wrist


After I got those two knocked out and a master pulled, I moved on to the top half shell of the right gaunt...a HUGE thanks to Alan of WOF for making these available to us. I can't tell you enough how easy his templates have made my life in the last 4 months...they're super accurate too from what I can gather. Coupled with pics of the actual screen armor from the MOM exhibits, I have learned quite a bit about this armor. I had to make this portion of the detailing out of a thin wafer wood (or whatever it's called) for sturdiness to be able to withstand the pressure of the vac pull




So what I did was print out the templates, traced them onto the wood, cut the pieces all out with a numbering system corresponding to the templates, then started assembling taking into account the thickness of the wood (very important). Hot glue was my good friend for this portion of the build

That's where I'm at right now...between filling orders and trying to squeeze in time for a personal life as well as keep up on chores and the like, it has been quite a challenge. I hope to have more progress very soon.
Thanks bro!
Here's another quick update:
Made some more progress today...not much, but here's some pics



And after two failed attempts at a master pull, I finally got this! (third time's a charm)




For the next step I'll fill it with some Ultracal plaster and tidy up that mold as well as add some details that are not in this pull...then pull a final master. After that I'll have to pull a test piece to see how it matches up with the bottom part. That's all for now kiddies...stay tuned
Thanks CT 1127 :)
Made some more progress. Here's the pics:

Fresh out of the plastic


And all cleaned up (burned out my third dremel this year lol). This part was actually a royal pain in the *BLEEP *and far more time consuming than I wished it to be, but I did finally get it done.
As you can see there's quite a bit of a difference




So I was kind of ancy about seeing this pulled so I got some .030 styrene (more on that later) to do a kind of test pull. It came out ok. I'm not entirely happy with it but at least I got to see how sharp the details were going to come out with a thinner gauge. I'll likely use this one as an inner shell for the master and pull another one from .060 for strength and place this one inside of it for pouring a cast since the thinner stuff has better detail and it will save me time in the future in cleanup after a pour.
I'll probably be pulling these out of 1/8" inch for production since I can't seem to get my hands on any .090 smooth/smooth ABS, but we'll see. Here are the results:




That's it for now. I'll be getting started on the right gaunt next week hopefully
Thanks Elusive (love your avatar by the way)
Another progress report for you all:
After cutting out the halves of styrene, I held them together to see how they match up. I was pleasantly surprised to see that either through Alan's design (which is more likely) or through my fumbling, I was actually able to get them to match up end to end (after trimming them of course).The recessed areas all line up, so these guys are ready to go! The next step will be to experiment with the plastic to see which one works best for these gaunts. For now I'll set these aside and get to working on the left gaunt top half.




I don't think I have ever seen someone sit down and bust out a project like this. It usually involves clay and lots of sculpting. Amazing to watch your approach!
Thanks guys!! And a reply from the board owner himself! ;) I've been pretty fortunate to have a job recently with a lot of days off per week that has allowed me to get as far as I have in such a relatively short time.
It's been quite a long road on this and I still have plenty left to do, but I've definitely learned a LOT along the way. Not only just about the armor, but about sculpting and vacforming as well. I have pretty much nil experience with sculpting in clay. However, I have been scratchbuilding models for quite a few years now which has spilled over into my costuming....I figured I would try and see if I could apply those skills on a larger level and with sculpting. So far it seems to be working I think. Being outside the box definitely helps with thinking outside of it and I'm sure to a lot of people my methods are pretty unorthodox.
I'm definitely a far cry below BM, FP, Cruzer and all those other talented dudes, but thanks to them I have learned quite a bit about the process just by looking at pics they have posted here and there. Also Alan of WOF's templates have been a HUGE help in all credit must go to those guys as well for inspiring me to take the plunge. Thanks for everyone who's been watching this thread, and stay tuned!!
Got a little more progress to share with you all. Same process on the left gaunt as with the other one.





Did some cleanup on the piece with files. I was pretty please with the results. I got some nice sharp corners and edges:





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