Newbee To The Helmet


New Hunter
Hi I'm Jake I've been visiting D.H. for a while now and finally am able to post. I am a Tin Knocker by trade and have given the armor building a shot wondering what you pro's out there might think of it? Thank You Jake
Thanks for the quick replys you guys I'm having fun with it I need to start doing the sewing part Vest and Hood for the Crusader mask . most of the mask gets covered with cloth. I'm probly going to use valcro so I can chang it up every once in a while.
I will be giving the gontlets a shot in the future seen some great ones here and most of you guys names there aswell so you know what I'm talking about. I used rivvits and boundo on the metal for that mask and the cod pieses. I found that the boundo with the metal is forever and very derable. Please don't mind my spelling (lazy writer). Thanks again, Jake
I see this post has been visited many times. The more oppinions the better . I am not going for screen accurate obviously . Cash is also an issue so the crusader mask also became an obviouse choise for head gear. aswell as the metal being left overs from a job. I just finished end of June. I had to give this a shot though. My wife is a big S.W. Fan and she is building one aswell hers is coming out sweet. With my years of Tin Knocking skills and tools I beleive I could get pritty good at this and right now there is only room for improvement . Thank you all again, Jake
122 Views and only 9 posts what up people lets hear some thoughts here. I will be posting a Boba (Like) helmet " I am building out of metal for my wife" soon. I printed template fro the wiz. I am using an old F.G. hard hat as the dome and have started cutting, tabbing , rolling and bending the metal. Like the Crusader mask I will be using Rivets and bondo on the metal junction.
Here are the Pictures of the wiz templet helmet . Being done in metal. I still have to do alot but it is a start.



From one metal man to another.Good job bro.I like the gonna cover those rivets?Or leave em showing?
I have been doing metal armor for years, but have yet to do a bucket.Gauntlets, and armor orders keep me busy
Thank you Wicked I have looked at your gauntlets they are great. I have to mechanically fasten my work . I am in the process of skim coating the helmet now with Bondo (pics to follow). The rivet's are forever with no worries of adhesives letting go. I work with copper and it is soldered. I still mechanically fasten with rivets because solder is a sealant and not a fastener. Same goes with bondo . I have gauntlets on my list as well I my tack weld those seams still in the planning stage. and helmet is R+D as I go.
Thank You Again , NOOBSAIBOT

Its on its way still needs more sanding and the other parts ear , visor . I don't yet know what my wife wants me to do this is for her costume I made it slightly smaller to fit her body . I don't think she wants to look like a bobble head. LOL Anyway with a little more work and a paint job she will probably want to do her self ,this thing may become something. See NO rivvets and all seems are gone .
Hey welcome. I can't wait to see the final product. I must say that the bucket looks like its a bullet. Which is off for a Boba but a sweet Mando!!! Like what I am seeing and can't wait for more! I personally like the rivets showing...Iron Man Boba.
I think I have made a Newbee mistake posting this custum costume on this thred (Boba Armor) I am not going for the boba look. I am working on an Neo-Crusader for myself . The helmet I am working on is for my wife. I made it a little small so she would not feel like she looked like a boble head while wearing it. sorry for my mistake hope I can be forgiven. Thank you all, Jake
Hey its been a while with out working on the armor. I've Been away doing my copper work in Mass. and haven't been able to post I am still away . I will be home soon maybe find some time to get to it . Thanks all for your kind welcome I haven't forgotten the D.H.
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