New ESB Fett Build.


New Hunter
Hello there everyone,

I am currently working on my ESB Fett build. I have built other costumes before and dabbled in Mandalorian ones, but this is my first full Boba attempt.

The helmet was made using thin cardboard, resin fiberglass and the dome was cardstock. I have to fix the size of the dent, and build the ear caps and rangefinder. But the look is there.


I also finished building my ammo belt and pouches by following Batninja's tutorial on here, and came out with fantastic results.


The cape was made from two different color materials and then tea dyed to darken them up a bit. I may coffee dye them to further darken/dull the colors.


I have a jumpsuit I am modifying currently and hope to have some progress on that and the flakvest this week. And obviously all this stuff still needs weathering and such. I am waiting till I get all the soft parts done so I can weather them all at once. That way it will look uniform-ish.

Anyways I appreciate you stopping by and checking my build out! I look forward to joining your ranks as well as that of the 501st and Mando Mercs. As always comments and critiques are much appreciated!

Well...update to this. Even though it has been over 6 months. I have done a little work on the helmet...then it got packaged up for a while as I pursued other projects. I have a lot of work to do.

The plan is to smooth and even out everything and bring it all to the proportions I want. Also the helmet is to wide at the mid-point, but I am planning on installing a brace that will pull the sides in, and I can do this because I am planning on using this to make a mold and to cast them out of fiberglass. This is because the helmet as is is very thick and not proportionate as I have been using drywall compound to create thickness in certain areas. Also the dent has to be decreased in size, as it is pretty big currently. But I appreciate any other comments on proportions that can be given at this stage, as it will help me to be able to fix problematic areas quicker.

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Well here is an update:

I'm trying to get this ready for Salt Lake City Comic Con. So it's turning into a speed build that still will be good enough to be approved by the Mandalorian Mercs.

Helmet is being painted:


Jetpack is completely pep'd and ready for resin and FG'ing:


Gauntlets are pep'd and ready for resin, FG'ing and attaching to the pvc clam shell I am making:


Also made Wookie Braids for 7 dollars:


Hopefully I will have the bucket painted this week. 28 or 27 days to go.

Good luck man! Everything looks solid so far. I have a question if you don't mind me asking: The one thing I've been worrying about is the stability and resilience of paper/board when it comes to building the helmet. I was considering making the whole helmet from Sintra but I'm not too sure yet. What do you mean by resin?
Good luck man! Everything looks solid so far. I have a question if you don't mind me asking: The one thing I've been worrying about is the stability and resilience of paper/board when it comes to building the helmet. I was considering making the whole helmet from Sintra but I'm not too sure yet. What do you mean by resin?

Thanks! I'm happy with how things are coming along so far.

I have never worked with Sintra so I can't comment on it, but with cardstock like I am using you resin the outside of the piece first. This causes the paper to harden a little, or a lot depending on how many coats you use. The resin is just the fiberglass resin without the fiberglass mat. Then when you fiberglass the inside of the piece for the real durability it won't warp or anything because of the hardened outside.

But like I said I haven't really worked with Sintra, but I have heard that you really don't need to do much with it besides smooth the outside joints. You'd have to ask someone who has more knowledge about that!


Other earcap.


Dome, lower cheeks, kill strips


Now I know everything isn't "PERFECT," but I got it as close as I could without spending 4 weeks painting this thing. I think I am doing an okay job :laugh: It'll be done tomorrow! So look for pics. Then it's on to the rest of the armor.

Well the mother of updates:

My helmet is finished, and I'll have you know I only had it on for about three hours before I took it off.


Rangerfinder works.


This is my face..of awesome.


I still need to install padding, and the LED's on the rangefinder. The LED's won't function this time.

Also need to blackwash it once I finish all the other armor so I can match it all. Then clear matte finish.

Next up. Jetpack and gauntlets with some sidearm and main weapon thrown in.

Thrusters: They need to be smoothed with bondo

Shin Tool Knife: Made out of Aluminium


Diver Buckle I made:

Jetpack Stabilizer:

14 days left.

Where I am currently...

I have to redo the flightsuit as the material I used on the pouches didn't dye the same color as the suit. So I know it's an issue. haha


9 - 10 days before I'm going to try to have this done...Crunch time starts now.


Added super bright LED into my jetpack beacon:

My girth belt came, and it is the PERFECT size. I'll be dying it tonight!

Got some toy guns for my sidearm and main weapon. Also got the molex greeblies.

Where the sidearm is currently. Have to bondo and sand to smooth it all out. Paint, then put on the barrel. Profit.

Now the part I'm happy about. My EE-3. I need to cut the stock and recess the area for the metal bracket I made. Smooth it all out with bondo. Get another pipe clamp as one didn't fit. Glue on the scope mounts, molex and other greeblies, and then paint, attach stock d-rings and sling. Go collect some bounties. Make some money. Eat a pizza.

Waiting for the JB Weld to cure, so right now I'm working on cutting out the gauntlets yet again. The other material I used wouldn't keep shape even when cold shocked into place. It was like a ABS PVC hybrid pipe..super weird.

Cutting out the knees tonight as well. Dying the girth belt. Cutting out the patterns for my glove additions.

SO in conclusion. BY TOMORROW NIGHT. I plan on having the following:
-Sidearm ready for bondo and/or paint
-EE-3 ready for bondo and/or paint
-Knee armor ready for bondo and/or paint
-Gauntlets ready for bondo and/or paint
-Body armor, cod, butt plate and back plate dented and ready for paint and finishing.
-Jetpack ready for bondo and/or paint
-Boots done.
-Gloves done.
-Shin tools done.
-Girth belt done.

Then when my new coveralls come I will finish the flight suit and pouches very quickly. And the last major piece I will need to construct is the back harness for the jetpack. I already have the belt buckle, but I just need to make the frame.

8 -9ish days!

So main question that I need feedback on ASAP. Is this a good color for the flightsuit? Or should I dye some white ones? I have both. I have seen flightsuits for ESB range from a darker blue with grey to a light grey with a little blue. So I'm curious if this is acceptable.

Inside lighting. With flash and without.

Outdoor sunlight.

Other stuff now that is less important than the flightsuit color.

I have the harness built out of aluminum. The bottom bar is left long on purpose so I can trim it when I get my jetpack done and adjusted.

Boots needs black ribs and weathering on the soles, but they are basically done.

Lots of stuff happening that isn't exciting to see yet... I'll update soon.

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